Former FDA Commissioner David Kessler testified in an “Expert Report” submitted for a trial set to begin Oct. 9 that “(Johnson & Johnson subsidiary) Janssen’s promotion of Risperdal, a powerful drug, for non-approved uses in the most vulnerable children is deeply troubling.” J&J’s lawyers had attempted to prevent Kessler’s testimony on procedural grounds, but following the submission of his report J&J settled out-of-court with five plaintiffs this morning. When asked if the prospect of Kessler’s testimony motivated J&J to settle, plaintiffs’ attorney Stephen Sheller said, “Yes.”
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Of Further Interest:
J&J aims to block ex-FDA chief’s testimony in Risperdal case (Fierce Pharma)
Former FDA Commish Slams J&J Over Risperdal (Pharmalot)
Expert Report by David Kessler, M.D. (Part 1)
Expert Report by David Kessler, M.D. (Part 2)
Expert Report by David Kessler, M.D. (Part 3)
Expert Report by David Kessler, M.D. (Part 4)
This couldn’t be happening to a more deserving company! Now they need to go after the rest of them and it’s time to start putting CEO’s in prison for fraud, corruption, and probably obstructing justice! Go FDA commissioner!
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