Website Issues this Morning

I requested early this morning that our web hosting provider, Wiredtree, perform some updates to our server software as one step in an ongoing effort to improve the performance of Mad In America, which has been under pressure by our newly increased traffic flow the past couple weeks even after I stomped the bots.

Unfortunately, the technician on the task at WiredTree walked away from our updates with a major error still in place, leaving the site entirely inaccessible for several hours longer than expected. In the process of trying to resolve this error, I recognized another significant change to our configuration that needed to happen. At the moment the site is accessible again using some fallback software that does not perform as well as our desired setup. You may still notice slow speeds and occasional errors. Support at Wiredtree continues to work on the problem, which has now been unresolved for over six hours.

Readers, I apologize for any inconvenience. Hopefully the site will be working better than ever very soon.


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.


  1. Thanks for your heroic efforts, Matthew. Tonight, our Vancouver, BC Madness Radio listening group plans on watching and discussing several of Kermit’s latest audio/video pieces. We’ll keep our fingers crossed. Good luck!

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