Saying that a “high risk” status “must not necessarily reflect inherent psychosis risk,” researchers from Switzerland, the Netherlands, and London find that almost half of those deemed at risk remitted fully and three-quarters did not progress to overt psychosis. The researchers voice “serious concern” about stigmatization of “troubled but possibly healthy individuals.”
Siman, A., Borgwardt, S., Reicher-Rossler, A., Vethorst, E., de Haan, L., Fusar-Poli, P; Moving beyond transition outcomes: Meta-analysis of remission rates in individuals at high clinical risk for psychosis. Psychiatry Research. Online July 18, 2013
Of further interest:
Psychosis prodrome rarely converts to psychotic illness (Medwire News)
Impressive. Half of the “high risk” cases aren’t even high risk at all. Who comes up with this garbage?
—- Steve
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Claiming that labeling somebody “high risk” for later being labeled ‘psychotic’ “must not necessarily reflect inherent risk of being labeled psychotic” experts on states of mind they’ve never experienced themselves, funded by confiscated tax dollars from Switzerland, the Netherlands, and London declare that almost half of those labeled fated to be at risk of winding up labeled ‘psychotic’ later were unlabeled as being at risk of being labeled ‘psychotic’ and three-quarters did not progress to being overtly labeled psychotic by these experts on states of mind they’ve never experienced. The researchers are content to keep stigmatizing those they feel really deserve to the social death sentence of being labeled psychotic but voice “serious concern” about stigmatization of “troubled but possibly healthy individuals.” They believe believing you’re the virgin Mary represents a ‘health’ event. No word yet on whether believing you’re an expert on states of mind you’ve never experienced makes one ‘unhealthy’.
It’s these researchers themselves that shovel some more soil on the graves daily of people whose experiences they mystify in their pathetic scientism language. Just listen to them! ‘prodrome’… my god…
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You’d think they’d have “serious concern” about the legitimacy of their predictive model, and perhaps some “serious concern” that they didn’t know their butt from a hole in the ground. I have “serious concern” that anyone takes a thing they say seriously.
—- Steve
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