The Sunday Times of London reports on Peter Gotzsche’s efforts to obtain pharmaceutical licensing data before the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) routinely destroys the information 15 years after licensing. Ben Goldacre, co-founder of AllTrials, said: “The MHRA needs to recognise that the world has changed, it is no longer acceptable for decisions about medicines to be based on secret meetings, about secret information that is then shredded.”
Article: MHRA destroys trial data after 15 years on file (PharmaTimes)
Also See: Analysis by 1BoringOldMan
Shredding evidence may protect Big Pharma from law suits, but it also justifies close scrutiny , better documentation of medication utilization and independent review , from this point forward.
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To modify my prior comment, the case can and should be made for independent scrutiny of patient’s response to medication by someone with no vested interests to the local hospital. Patients need to be able to find ‘safe haven” closer to their homes where their loved ones can see form themselves how they are doing. Patients should be able to choose their own advocates to dialogue re: issues of medication. The recommendations of Dr. Ablow of Fox News would do much to improve the system’s response to First Episode Psychosis as one point on the continuum of alternatives for patients.
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