A detailed meta-analysis of the published research on women taking antidepressants during pregnancy finds that the rate of preterm birth is nearly doubled in the third trimester. In a comprehensive, systematic review the authors found that an overwhelming majority of studies (39 of the 41) showed increased rates of preterm birth in the antidepressant group, including when controlling for underlying depression.
Hubrechts, K., Sanghani, R., Avorn, J., Urato, A.; Preterm Birth and Antidepressant Medication Use during Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLoS One. Online March 26, 2014. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0092778
Antidepressants and Preterm Birth: More Concerning Findings by MIA blogger Adam Urato, MD (an author of the study)
A mother, who was thrown in jail and charged with endangering the welfare of a child after breastfeeding her baby while drinking, said she didn’t know she was possibly breaking the law.
“I did drink. I did breastfeed,” Tasha Adams told ABC News’ “20/20” in her first on-camera interview. “I didn’t know it was illegal. If I knew it was illegal, I wouldn’t have done it.”
Of course no one from these pharma companies ever goes to jail for endangering the welfare of children, ever.
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