“Coming Out of the Fog”


“For the past eight years, Vicki Dyer has been the program director of the dementia ward at Lakewood, a continuing care centre in Waterville, Me., . . . What you won’t find at Lakewood is dementia patients lolling listlessly in chairs, lost to the world in a psychotropic haze. They just don’t give dementia patients anti-psychotic drugs at Lakewood. ‘Not on my unit,’ Dyer says. ‘Anti-psychotic drugs have been completely eliminated. Psychotropic medication is not meant for anyone with dementia.'”

Coming out of the Fog (The Telegram)


  1. Bravo to Vicki Dyer, program director of this dementia ward. What she has accomplished by eliminating the anti-psychotic meds most all pts with dementia end up being prescribed is so hopeful, so heartwarming to read. This director obviously treats the patients in her unit like she would want her own family and friends treated- with dignity, compassion and respect. Just reading the various therapies and outings these patients receive warms my heart. I love the way she weighs how each person should be able to feel the work they do daily makes a positive difference in someone’s life. Truly, this story is absolutely uplifting!

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