“In the Gun Debate, Mental Illness Doesn’t Predict Dangerousness”


Massachusetts State Representative Paul Heroux’ Huffington Post blog concludes that “We need to realize that high-profile events are high-profile because they are unlikely. And trying to stop an unlikely event is very difficult if not impossible. Predicting a school shooting or when someone who has or had a mental illness is going to shoot someone is a bit like predicting where lightning is going to strike the ground. There are some generic indicators but little that can act as an actual alarm bell. There are things that can and should be done to reduce gun violence, but focusing on people with a mental illness is not one of them.”


  1. If you are an armed vet showing symptoms of PTSD you get treated one way, if you are an armed VA administrator in a psychotic depression, you are treated in an entirely different way by the NAMI-trained police.

    “The officer also offered counseling services, which Curry refused.
    After that, the officer decided Curry did not need to be held for a mental evaluation.”

    You just can’t make this stuff up!

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    • Your post reminds me of what I read about this new thing called “Swatting” .

      Swatting refers to the act of knowingly giving authorities false information about bomb threats, the taking of hostages, or similar threats in progress with the goal of tricking heavily armed police to raid the location of an innocent person or group. According to authorities, the unnamed 16-year-old allegedly carried out swatting attacks on 30 targets, including schools in North America that responded with lockdowns or evacuations. The minor was charged with 60 criminal offenses, including public mischief, mischief to property, uttering death threats, and conveying false info with intent to alarm.


      NAMI suggests turning over furniture before Swatting a loved one of course.

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