In his Scientific American blog, Gary Stix reviews the latest investigations into the impacts of comprehensive lifestyle change approaches to preventing dementia. “Results of the first clinical trial that conforms to [the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s] pull-out-all-stops approach were presented at the Alzheimerâs Associationâs International Conference in Copenhagen on July 13. The large-scale study of 1260 individuals at risk of cognitive decline showed that study volunteers who rigorously adhered to measures prescribed for diet, exercise, cognitive training, social engagement and management of cardiac risk factors had better results on a battery of tests of cognitive results than did a control group that had received more generic health counseling.”
“Something like this is needed,” writes Stix, “because the news about drugs for Alzheimerâs has been almost relentlessly bad.”
Gold Standard Trial Affirms Role of Diet, Exercise and Such to Prevent Dementia (Scientific American Blogs, July 17, 2014)