A diet high in saturated fat contributes to the development of depression-like behaviors in mice, and changes in the types and quantities of bacteria in the gut may be mediating those mood effects, according to a study by University of Copenhagen researchers published in PLOS One. The researchers also found that high-sucrose diets and high-fat diets actually had very different effects on gut bacteria and moods.
In the study, forty-two mice were randomly assigned to either a high-fat, high-sucrose or control diet for thirteen weeks and run through behavior tests and biological analyses. Mice on high-fat diets gained more weight, were less interested in burrowing, and had memory impairments, while these and other behavioral changes “were accompanied by a significant change in [gut microbiota] composition,” observed the researchers.
“In mice receiving a high-fat diet, our results suggests that a diet high in saturated fat contributes to development of depression-like behavior, and that changes in the [gut microbiota] may be considered a mediator,” they concluded. “Importantly, we show that fat and sucrose affect behavior differently and sometimes oppositely, and thus the proportion of fat and sugar in the diet should be paid more interest when designing behavioral studies.”
A Possible Link between Food and Mood: Dietary Impact on Gut Microbiota and Behavior in BALB/c Mice (Jørgensen, Bettina Pyndt et al. PLOS One. August 18, 2014. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103398)
Naturally this leads us to the canary in a coal mine idea. People break down one way or another and the capitalists and eugenicists feast on them stating — that they “have identified” the disorders or specific diseases people have, and, as we know in the Psychiatry business, that they have “identified” those amongst us, those inherently different, defective, people who, of course, need their expensive, toxic, halogen atom containing, patent nostrums.
They state that different subgroups of people have unrelated diseases and conditions all of which conditions call exclusively for different expensive treatments which they are marketing.
Treatments which do not cure but superficially address the more gross ramifications or “control symptoms.”
They sometimes inflate this business with disease of theirs with propaganda stating that they are searching for the genetic component involved.
Even actually finding genes that can be linked might not be as meaningful as suggested. What if their great grandparents, grandparents, parents and selves had had an unpolluted environment, without war and economic dislocation, and traditional or healthy food? Would their genes be then correlating to anything? Would they be unhealthy?
This topic of Gut Bacteria is well subsumed under some reference Weston A. Price and his seminal book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.
Also Environmental Medicine deserves specific mention.
Since the 1870’s the general health of people has deteriorated generation after generation given insults to the mass of people’s health from toxins in food, poor quality and damaged foods. high omega 6 to omega 3 ration of fats, toxic damages fats, soil erosion and the loss of minerals in produce, multiple simultaneous vaccinations, over use of vaccinations, birth control pills, bottle feeding and lack of DHA in formula, sugar and cigarettes, molds, viruses, environmental pollution and metals such as copper, aluminum, iron, mercury cadmium.
Natasha Campbell-McBride can be seen on-line (and possibly one can buy the actual videos somewhere) speaking at Conferences at the Weston Price Foundation.
Sally Fallon Morell is president of the foundation, co-author with Mary G. Enig, of Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats.
The message from Sally Fallon is that low fat diets was a disaster. Damaged and toxic fats along with over processed foods and sugar are the problem. This, as you are probably aware, connects to what Malcolm Peet tells us. Robert Whitaker made widely known the WHO Reports that showed that people in poorer nations around the world, nations that cannot afford long term psychiatric drugging of patients there, have statistics for long term outcomes for psychosis there that are substantially better than the wealthy countries. Besides the lack of money for longterm drug use, Malcolm Peets work rounded out the idea by showing that the people in poorer countries have different national diets with less sugar and so forth.
Malcolm Peet 2004 International variations in the outcome of schizophrenia and the prevalence of depression in relation to national dietary practices: an ecological analysis.
Google – https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=+IPSS+and+DOSMED+OR+DOSMD+Malcolm+Peet usg=AFQjCNFTXNQ3ECPD72ANSecnUgvBCMCT4w&sig2=10wo6QlHzodujzmTaHhfaA
Malcolm Peet
Diet, diabetes and schizophrenia: review and hypothesis
Oxidative stress and role of antioxidant and omega-3 essential fatty acid supplementation in schizophrenia Sahebrao P. Mahadik
As you are probably aware the FDA in the USA approved aspertame for inclusion in US food in 1981 after Donald Rumsfield became the Secretary for Defense.
Natasha Campbell-Mcbride, M.D. previously a neurosurgeon when her son had autism she studied that to cure her son —
GAPS Natasha Campbell-Mcbride
Intentionally attacking (in the case Environmental) Medicine with a multi-year coordinated paid false front operation.
The Rational Skeptics, Michael Schermer, The Amazing Randi, Quackwatch, Stephen Barret
What Should I Do to Be a Nutritionist?
October 30, 2009 by Kaayla Daniel
Making Sense of All Those Confusing Degrees and Credentials
“The man behind the attack was not an ADA official all but Stephen Barrett, MD, the infamous âquackbuster.â Barrettâs website, http://www.quackwatch.com, has been heavily touted by the AMA, FDA and FTC, AARP and numerous other organizations with ties to the medical and pharmaceutical cartels. Over the years, Barrett has savaged many practitioners of alternative, complementary, integrative and holistic medicine, especially chiropractors. He was also outspokenly critical of two-time Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling.”
Weston A. Price – Nutrition and Physical Degeneration Book
Entire book online — http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200251h.html
Book Reviews – “In a World of blind men the one eyed man is King.
http://www.soilandhealth.org/02/0203cat/020305ppnf/ppnf.html https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=book+review+nutrition+degeneration+
Sally Fallon
The MMR vaccine and 340% increase in autism among African-American children
Business With Disease
“The pharmaceutical industry is not a âhealth industryâ, but an âinvestment businessâ that thrives on the continuation and expansion of diseases.”
“Truth be told – it’s a fact of business. An industry that lives from the manufacture of pharmaceuticals will do everything and anything to sell pharmaceuticals – including re-package behavior and emotions as disease…”
> https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=Business+with+Disease++Sepp+Hasslberger
Staying on Top of Oxidative StressPosted on May 28, 2003 by Stephen Byrnes, ND, RNCP
Stand Up.
Daniel Burdick Eugene, Oregon USA
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It’s like with obesity – now it’s an illness. Sure being super fat isn’t healthy. But the way to deal with it is not to put people on 20 different drugs but to encourage them to lose weight (which is hard but the only long-term solution) and to prevent people from getting fat in the first place by sensible social and economical policies. But that’s a) not a simple solution like “take a pill” b) does not bring a buck to a whole chain of people. And sure they may be a few individuals who get fat for biological reasons (thyroid dysfunction or leptin deficiency being two best known) – diagnose them and deal with them medically.
It’s the same story for psych disorders – you have a small percentage of people who have a biological problem (tumour, microelement deficiency…) and a majority of people who have a societal/lifestyle problem. But yeah, let’s drug them all.
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Sure, super fatty foods are probably not all that good for you. But I’d take issue with the “depressive-like symptoms” = less interested in burrowing. It drives me absolutely crazy when I read this bullshit.
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But hang on a minute aren’t mice mainly grain eaters? Is this study really generalizable to humans?
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Probably not.
The part that is of interest and may be relevant is that diet affects microbiome which may then affect behavior. (I think it’s ridiculous to speculate as to how it affects “depression” or emotions; not that mice don’t have emotions, but they can’t tell us what they are so it’s silly to assume. But we can observe behavior.)
I haven’t read the actual paper and it’s not clear from the above piece whether the authors do try to generalize the results to humans, but the specific findings involving saturated fat in mouse diets would not apply to humans, because mice have never been meat-eating hunters. So a diet containing more than an occasional trace of saturated fat–or sucrose, for that matter–is going to produce a nonadaptive and unnatural gut microbiome, and if microbiome affects behavior, then it’s probably going to produce nonadaptive and unnatural behavior.
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I agree with you, you’ve made an excellent point about the mice being poor models for it to begin with.
“But we can observe behavior”
Sure but behaviours like “less interested in burrowing” can have a plethora of internal states behind them. It’s like looking at someone sitting at a coach all day and saying that this person is depressed. They could be or maybe they are tired or maybe they are bored or demotivated or actually enjoy sitting at the coach or… one can go on. It just makes me mad that people make claims in these studies about depression and such. And I know well why they do that – it’s easier to publish and get grants when you have a disease behind it – people working in science tend to be very cynical about it yet everyone goes along with that nonsense. and the worst of all – it gets picked up by the press (or in case of some studies by pharma) and blown up to “x causes depression, y cures depression” blah, blah.
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