“Will following positive psychology advice make you happier and healthier?”


In Mind the Brain on PLOS Blogs, James Coyne reviews some high-profile speakers’ claims about the science of positive psychology, and examines more closely whether simply thinking positive thoughts or doing small, good things for yourself can significantly improve overall health, well-being and happiness.

Will following positive psychology advice make you happier and healthier? (Mind the Brain, December 18, 2014)


  1. My experience with psychiatry (and an unethical, child abuse covering up, negative psychologist) is that they claim their patients to be “irrelevant to reality” and “w/o work, content, and talent,” prior to learning anything at all from the actual patient. (My psychiatrist did finally, after seeing my work, claim me to be “insightful” and have “work of smart [female]”).

    But this negative psychological approach, I found, quite disgusting, and of negative benefit (especially due to the poisoning with various groups of six drugs, all with major drug interaction warnings). I doubt for profit positive psychological approaches will be of much benefit either, however, as this researcher contends.

    What saved me while I was dealing with the psychopathic doctors projecting their own irrelevance to reality and “w/o work, content, and talent” issues onto me, was unselfishly giving to others (being a good person for the mere sake of such), continuing my moderate regular exercise regime (despite it being claimed as “a sign of mania”), healthy eating, and continuing to smile and be kind and generous to all as I was living through the iatrogenic hell that is today’s “mental health” care system.

    Personally choosing to behave in a respectable and kind manner with all other humans allows one to feel good about what one has chosen to do and respect oneself, but doing it merely for profit or because someone profiting from telling you to do it said so, will not have the same result.

    It’s actually amazing how many smiles one gets in a day from others just by walking around with one’s head up and a smile on one’s face. And interacting politely and sincerely with all others one meets during a day actually makes the people you politely interact with feel important too, and making others feel important is good for one’s own self esteem.

    But I believe the for profit angle destroys the whole concept. One needs to personally choose to be decent, in order to actually be a decent and acceptable human being. Allowing for profit psychiatrists or psychologists to dictate your actions is not beneficial to anyone. Write your own story instead, the “experts” are frauds.

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