“Pfizer Inc. researchers concluded last year that pregnant women taking Zoloft risked having babies with heart defects, according to evidence made public by a lawyer at the first trial of more than 1,000 lawsuits over the drug,” reported Bloomberg.
“Families suing Pfizer over Zoloft contend the drugmaker ignored internal red flags about potential birth defects to protect billions in sales of the drug,” continued the Bloomberg story. “Pfizer didn’t warn doctors or patients about the risk, said Joe Zonies, a lawyer for Logyn Pesante and his mother told jurors in state court in St. Louis.”
Pfizer Accused of Knowing Zoloft Posed Birth-Defect Risk (Bloomberg Business, April 9, 2015)
I am concerned that this is just the tip of a very huge iceberg. Our science and governmental regulatory agencies are so corrupted by the involvement of corporate money in scientific research, the drug approval process and the practice of psychiatry and other branches of medicine that we must all be on guard. I have learned the hard way that we cannot trust what we are told is safe.
We need to get corporate PAC money out of our democratic process if we hope to begin to correct this huge problem in our democracy, our regulatory systems and our science.
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The big push over the last decade or so was to get pregnant women on antidepressants!
Yeah…it was all that “safe and effective” nonsense, now peddled to a new clientele.
After all, pregnancy is like everything else that’s been turned into a disease!
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And now Pfizer wins round 1. How predictable.
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How can this happen ?
How can these people so evil and indifferent to push their drugs on pregnant women knowing they cause birth defects ?
Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work is a book by industrial psychologist Paul Babiak and psychopathy expert Robert D. Hare.
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“Sometimes bad things happen to good people…………………………” How dare she take such a nonchalant approach to the difficulties experienced by people, caused by the very drugs made by the company she represents. There was once a very famous person who was beheaded for saying something like, “Let them eat cake!” Drug companies have turned into the modern robber barons of our world.
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