Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Support Site

The Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Support Site is a place to learn about benzodiazepine side effects, tolerance, dependency, addiction, withdrawal symptoms and protracted withdrawal syndrome. The site includes a basic information page about benzodiazepines as well as in-depth information about various benzodiazepines, withdrawal symptoms, tapering methods and coping techniques. The site also includes a variety of stories written by individuals who have successfully tapered from benzodiazepines, survey results about benzodiazepine use and withdrawal symptoms, and one benzodiazepine survivor’s “Benzopedia,” a document keeping track of the withdrawal symptoms he experienced and how he coped. Additionally, you can read about the Water Titration Method of tapering and learn tips on educating those who do not know or understand the effects of benzodiazepine withdrawal, such as doctors, psychiatrists and mental health professionals.


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