More and More States Are Outlawing Gay-Conversion Therapy


From The Atlantic: States are increasingly moving to ban gay conversion therapy, restricting licensed mental-health practitioners including psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers from practicing any type of therapy with the goal of changing a person’s sexual orientation.

“So-called ‘conversion therapy,’ the practice of trying to change a person’s sexual orientation (almost always from gay or bisexual to straight), has a history of damaging, scientifically unfounded approaches. In The Inheritance of Shame, Peter Gajdics describes being pinned down by two other men as his psychiatrist screams at him, mocking him for having sex with other men. Other first-person accounts—of men in the U.S., and more recently, of men in China as well as women in Ecuador—recount similarly violent, coercive experiences.

In the U.S., state governments are beginning to outlaw conversion therapy in growing numbers. California became the first to do so in 2012. Eight other states have banned it in some form since. In 2017 alone, Nevada, New Mexico, and Connecticut have signed their own bans into law. And two weeks ago, a long-anticipated bill passed the Rhode Island Senate.”

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  1. Let me say from the start that I am 100% against the conversion therapies and 100% for treating the LGBT crowd with the same dignity and rights as the rest of us!!!

    But this is a poorly handled subject from ALL directions. One of my best friends is trans and one of my cousins is gay, so it’s not that I object to them, but there’s a LOT more going on underneath that no one wants to deal with…and after having, literally, helped my wife (re)build her personality, ‘part by part’, connecting the dissociated girls to put ‘humpty dumpty back together again’ and seeing how each ‘part’ (girl) of my wife controlled bits and pieces of various personality traits and abilities, the level of ignorance by the ‘experts’ once again astounds me as they have jumped on the pc version of this subject instead of slowing down and doing the hard work to understand what goes into ‘building’ a personality and all the factors that influence gender identity and sexuality as well as the rest of our personalities. It’s not a simple ‘biology’ issue, and for MIA who stands against the simplistic bio-medical model for mental health issues, they ought to understand there’s a lot more going on underneath with this subject as well.

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    • the level of ignorance by the ‘experts’ once again astounds me as they have jumped on the pc version of this subject instead of slowing down and doing the hard work to understand what goes into ‘building’ a personality and all the factors that influence gender identity and sexuality as well as the rest of our personalities. It’s not a simple ‘biology’ issue, and for MIA who stands against the simplistic bio-medical model for mental health issues, they ought to understand there’s a lot more going on underneath with this subject as well.

      Why don’t you enlighten us then? What do you consider to be the alternative to the “pc version”?

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      • So you reject the bio-medical model that states biology(genes) dictates mental health, but you accept the same biological narrative about human sexuality and gender identity? If you can’t see the incongruity of your position, what is there to discuss? If you were sincere in your question, which I doubt, the alternative would be the same approach that we use for other issues on this website as we understand that ALL aspects of human personality are a confluence of biology, positive and negative personal experiences, decisions and preferences; cultural influences, geographical context and a host of other things.


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        • The incongruity of *my* position? Where did I ever say that I thought genes are responsible for everything? You’re making a lot of assumptions here.

          My question was sincere. You seemed to have the matter all figured out, so I thought that I’d ask you what’s *really* going on with LGBT people that the “pc” experts don’t understand.

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  2. Maybe some people would like to try but the lord and master lefties got to try outlaw it.

    What if a young man is attracted to other men and decides this kind of sucks or I want a family and learning to like chicks if its possible is what I want.

    Guess he is going to have to pay cash or travel abroad. Big nanny state always knows best right ?

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