From Refinery29: Three women who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia share their stories of experiencing psychosis, recovery, and dealing with societal prejudice against people with severe mental health diagnoses.
“One thing I’d say to people who maybe know someone experiencing mental health problems: You don’t have to be an expert to make a lot of difference in someone’s life, you just have to be a friend. And even if you can’t solve all their problems, that’s fine, just try and carry on keeping the person involved in things they went to before and encouraging them to do things that are part of normal life for them. When I become unwell, I tend to isolate myself so I get out of touch with people and eventually then some people will stop asking me to things because I never come. It is important to keep on trying to stay in contact with your friends, and encourage them, because when they start getting better, that’ll be a really important part of their recovery.”