Your Chemical Embrace by Anonymous

I keep digging
But just getting deeper
I keep climbing
But the mountain gets steeper
And I question myself
Every single day

Can’t find solace
In things I used to love
Can’t deal with
Daily push and shove
Like I’m below ground
Frightened of what’s above

Didn’t know I was in trouble
When I fell into
Your chemical embrace
But now I can see
When is all said and done
You’re a chemical disgrace

Diagnosis made me lost
Treatment made me sick
And I’ve only got myself to blame
You played your mind trick
Now all I feel is shame
Every single day

I’m dependent, lost and confused
The world turns but I am still
Lost the fight, lost the will
I’m as empty and hollow
As the promises
You made to me

Didn’t know I was in trouble
When I fell into
Your chemical embrace
But now I can see
When is all said and done
You’re a chemical disgrace

Haven’t even got the strength
To be angry anymore
Feel so hollow
Deep in my core
You’re not a chemical solution
But a toxic execution


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Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.


  1. This poem makes me want to reach through the screen, hold your hand and say, “You’re writing proves you’re more than a diagnostic label: you’re a poet.”
    I keep repeating these lines to myself:
    “You’re not a chemical solution
    But a toxic execution”
    A toxic execution….. what a turn of phrase! Bravo!

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