Jump Start by Jyl Anais

The professionals act like

the theft of half my life was


.       big

.                  deal


they didn’t mean to.

In a cloak of benevolence

under the guise of medicine

/ help / undercover

and POOF!

almost twenty years


.       just

.                  like


My anger

no longer a symptom once

I left the reservation.


So, now what?

I challenge their ideas

and practices,

me with my brain still just in tact enough

to recollect.

Me, with anger enlivening my eyes

while I sit in their waiting rooms

like a threat.


They try and calm me

with kindness

they bill for and

take notes about

except I’m not in confession


I know this is


.          my

.                      church.

I’ve got to jump start my life

again like I’ve had to


and begin

.             again,

.                      and again,

.         and again.


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Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.