From Medscape Psychiatry: “This latest meta-analysis [the Cipriani study] claims to have found something different—that antidepressants are effective. In fact, its results are basically the same as in prior analyses, confirming that almost all antidepressants are ineffective or at least not in a clinically meaningfully way, when examined as a whole compared with placebo. In other words, the only thing this study confirms is that prior studies were right when they reported that antidepressants ‘don’t work.'”
In the interests of balance, here is Jeffrey Leibermans response.
I failed to find anything remotely evidential or scientific in it, and I do wonder why anyone would publish such nonsense.He claims that the trials are no good and the answer lies in Star*D . Oh dear.
75% of my patients say their meds work when I suggest ECT as an alternative method. The other 25% obviously suffer anosogonosia! I’m the expert. I know how they feel better than they do themselves. 😛