FDA Approves New Opioid 10 Times More Powerful Than Fentanyl


From STAT News: “‘TheĀ lack of efficacy data and the (manufacturerā€™s) inadequate response to safety concerns have not been addressed since the FDAā€™s complete response letter was sent in 2017. Clearly the issue of the safety of the public is not important to the [FDA] commissioner, despite his attempts to obfuscate and misdirect,’ said Dr. Raeford Brown, the FDA panel chair and a professor of anesthesiology and pediatrics at the College of Medicine at the University of Kentucky. ‘I will continue to hold the agency accountable for their response to the worst public health problem since the 1918 influenza epidemic.’ […]

‘More than a year ago Commissioner Gottlieb endorsed a National Academy of Sciences report that called on FDA to overhaul its opioid policies. In particular, NAS urged FDA to utilize a new risk vs benefit analysis for opioid approval AND removal decisions,’ said Dr. Andrew Kolodny, who heads the Opioid Policy Research Collaborative at Brandeis University and is executive director of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing, an education and advocacy group.

‘If Gottlieb meant business when he endorsed the report ā€” if he was speaking truthfully when he promised Congress that he would fix FDAā€™s past mistakes ā€” then he would not have allowed this product on the market. Rather than approving new exceptionally dangerous opioid formulations, he would be pulling the most dangerous opioids off the market.’

‘There is absolutely no need for this product,’ Kolodny concluded. ‘Claiming we need it on the market to help soldiers on the battlefield is ridiculous. We already have sublingual fentanyl product available for use on the battlefield.’

‘It is certain that Dsuvia will worsen the opioid epidemic and kill people needlessly,’ said Dr. Sidney Wolfe, senior adviser at Public Citizen Health Research Group. ‘It will be taken by medical personnel and others for whom it has not been prescribed. And many of those will overdose and die.'”

ArticleĀ ā†’


  1. “Public Citizen Health Research Group” Working hard to promote widespread forced psychiatric drugging https://www.madinamerica.com/forums/topic/public-citizen-forced-drugging-assisted-outpatient-treatment-widespread/ Best friends with the Treatment Advocacy Center.

    Public Citizen bunch of nanny state busybodies, ā€œOf all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive…. Its like C.S. Lewis wrote that one just for them.

    “Energy Drinks: A Classic Example of a Harmful, Unregulated Product” https://www.citizen.org/our-work/health-and-safety/energy-drinks-classic-example-harmful-unregulated-product

    GO AWAY “PUBLIC CITIZEN” Nanny state Swollen hemorrhoids !

    Remember, these people, like all tyrants, have nothing but contempt for the average person and their freedom. They are not out there to help you and I. It is time to go on the offensive and show what contempt that we have for them. https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/public-citizen/

    Nothing wrong with this new Opiate. Glad the the FDA approved it so like if some poor soul steps on a landmine get can get the strongest pain relief known ASAP. Lot of things that really hurt out on the battlefield.

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