SF Debate on Mental Health Policy Should Include Those Who Use City Services


From the San Francisco Examiner: “San Francisco’s long running community mental health crisis has become more visible as catastrophically high rents and evictions have forced many lower income people into homelessness, exacerbating their mental health issues.

As mental health ‘consumers,’ we know that we are almost entirely absent from efforts to address this community mental health crisis. In response, a group of us has organized to speak out and advocate for ourselves. We are Mad Mob SF.

… In just a few meetings, Mad Mob SF has identified major shortcomings in the community mental health system, including a major deficit of psychiatric beds in San Francisco and a lack of equitable access to new treatments and to consistent therapy. We understand that early voluntary services, like trauma-based, peer-driven recovery services, can prevent mental illness from getting worse. And, of course, underlying mental health challenges is the lack of truly affordable housing.

We invite peers and mental health ‘consumers’ to join Mad Mob SF to demand and get sufficient mental health care and services.”

Article →­


  1. SF Ireland

    After the Irish Election I don’t know where Sinn Feinn who came out strongest stand, on ‘Mental Health Equality’ – they are strong on Housing, Social Issues and the Health System.

    At the moment they’re in talks with the Greens and others looking to form a coalition.

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