Over-use of Antipsychotics Without Consent in Long Term Aged Care


From Mirage News: “Researchers from the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) and the Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA) at UNSW Sydney have highlighted a critical need to address non-consensual and overly lengthy use of antipsychotics in long term aged care residents . . .

Lead author and PhD Candidate at CHeBA, Fleur Harrison, said that it is known that antipsychotics are given to many residents of aged care homes who have changed behaviours. This occurs despite the serious side-effects of these medications in older people, such as higher risk of death, stroke and falls.

‘It also occurs in the face of evidence that other non-drug interventions are equally or more effective for behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia, as well as cost-effective,’ said Ms Harrison.”

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