Government Review Finds 10% of Drugs Dispensed in England Are Pointless


From The Guardian: “Ministers have ordered a crackdown on overprescribing of medicines after a review found one in 10 drugs dispensed by GPs and pharmacists are pointless and potentially harmful.

Family doctors will be told to boost the use of social prescribing, such as gardening, walking or volunteering. They are also being urged to call millions of patients in for medication reviews to see whether there are any pills they can stop taking.

The landmark review, ordered by the government in 2018 and published on Wednesday, concludes that overprescribing is a ‘serious problem.’ As many as 110m medicines handed to patients each year may be unnecessary and even potentially harmful, it suggests.”

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  1. I would guess it’s much more than 10% in the US, given an American woman can not walk into one of the most well respected American hospitals in the US, for a pulled muscle, without being asked by a too stupid to exist “Dr. Paine,” “Are you depressed?”

    The good news is if you tell that too stupid to exist doctor, “No.” And explain to him that you’re allergic to the anticholinergic drugs. He will run away quite quickly.

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