A Peer-Run Center in North Carolina Offers Alternative for Psychiatric Care


From NBC News: “‘We know what it’s like to walk into a space and feel vulnerable, to feel like there is no hope and to be seeking something that is not just an illness pathology message,’ [Cherene Caraco, founder of Retreat @ the Plaza] said. ‘There is a wisdom of lived experience that cannot be duplicated by professional experience or academic achievements.’

. . . Caraco, who wants the retreat to help fill a hole in the behavioral health system, questions the tendency to resort to involuntary commitment to psychiatric hospitals. Forced psychiatric treatment is on the rise nationally, with the rate of involuntary commitment having increased three times faster than the population growth in the 25 states where such data are available.

The system prioritizes pathologizing illness over promoting wellness and opportunity, Caraco said.

‘We don’t have a system that’s designed to protect and nurture the individual that’s having a mental health emergency,’ she said. ‘We have a system that’s designed to protect the rest of us from the person with mental illness.'”

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  1. This is just “old news.” Is NBC just printing this to hide from the other possibly more controversial news of the day? In my personal opinion, this “peer-run psychiatric care facility” sounds good on the surface, but I don’t trust it. It could be another trap? Huh? Thank you.

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