This week’s song of the week is an original composition by Mark Lipman from his album “The Glimmer”: “This song tells the story of the experiences that led to me being diagnosed with Bipolar II/Major Depressive Episode when I was 23 years old yet tells it with non-pathological language that validates my experiences as purely human rather than due to a chronic illness. For instance, I tried to end my life because I believed I was powerless; I believed I was Jesus because I didn’t have a healthier context for deeply profound spiritual connection; the ‘highs’ and ‘lows’ characterized as Bipolar symptoms were learning opportunities of how to balance keeping my body safe with taking chances for my spiritual health. Often, working in the field as a psychotherapist, I find this nuanced way of approaching human suffering and healing to be lacking. This song and this album are an effort to open the dialogue beyond the short-sighted exclusivity of pathology in the field of psychiatry.”
For more of Mark’s music, visit
-Mark Lipman
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