Consciousness Is an Act of Rebellion


From Daniel Mackler: “Consciousness is an act of rebellion. To become self-aware, to begin to have a conscious internal relationship with our own internal self, is to begin to break out of all the systems that are not conscious. We live in such an unconscious world. So many of us come from families that are profoundly unconscious; with parents, grandparents, ancestors who are profoundly un-self-aware, or perhaps you could say Self-unaware. They really don’t know themselves very well. They live with so much denial and so much projection. And they are the fundamentals, the foundation of so many of the systems of our world — the systems of power, of unconsciousness. And they’re the ones who taught us how to be, how to function in the world, how to live in the world; they taught us who we were and who we are; they defined us for ourselves before we knew how to define ourselves. And when we begin to look within, and to listen within, and to feel within; and to develop an internal relationship with our own internal selves, with our true Self, or maybe you want to call it our Soul — we begin to break away from all of these systems.

And this is dangerous . . . because we begin to overthrow the things that they’re putting on us, we begin to overthrow the projections that they’ve put on us, the definitions that they’ve put on us. And we begin to define ourselves from a different reality, from a true reality that comes from within, from an objective reality. And in so many cases, they don’t like it. And for a very good reason: So many people who are unconscious — most, everyone, perhaps, even the parts of ourselves that are unconscious — don’t like our burgeoning consciousness, our burgeoning Self-awareness. Because unconsciousness somehow unconsciously recognizes that consciousness is its basic enemy. Unconsciousness cannot thrive and grow in an environment where there are truth-tellers. It cannot survive, it cannot develop, and it cannot move forward.”


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  1. Dang dude! You just described me. Only I was 15, which, interestingly enough, was when I began to seriously journal. I realized at that age that my entire family (immediate and extended) was profoundly in denial. And I knew I had to be the one to break the mold. Of course, nobody liked this new me. I became a pariah in my own world of family and friends. Soon I descended into deep depression and isolation. Eventually, I did come out of that and sought therapy, etc., but I found myself repeatedly returning to my hermit life, because the world seemed to literally loathe me. I lost friends. Family relationships suffered. In a sense I would become detached from reality. A form of escapism, I suppose, because the real world was a place I did not want to be. Eventually faith brought me out of my shell. Having a relationship with God helped me to see the rightness in what I was doing–facing the truth. I saw my true self reflected in His eyes. I still struggle. I suppose I always will. I have C-PTSD. But now I’m able to make progress on a continuum. Sure there are still regressive times, but I’m able to catch myself. And my therapist holds me accountable.
    Thank you for this video. I will share it with my therapist. I hope you get this message.

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