Tuva Andersson was 37 years old when she committed suicide in 2019 in her apartment where she lived alone in Sweden. Her mother, Karina Hjelm, wanted me to tell her story hoping it might prevent other tragic and unnecessary deaths. She also needed an expert report to be used for her complaint to the prosecutor about serious medical malpractice. This summary is based on my 60-page report.

Tuva suffered from anxiety. This should have been handled by psychosocial interventions. Instead, she was exposed to professional incompetence, gross medical negligence, malpractice, stigmatisation by a variety of fluffy, ever changing, and unspecific diagnoses, and polypharmacy which included forced treatment with a depot neuroleptic that made it impossible for her to withdraw from it.
During the last year of Tuva’s life, her psychiatrists took away her hope of ever leaving psychiatry and becoming better. This is the worst thing a psychiatrist can do to a patient, as it increases the suicide risk dramatically.
Tuva ended up being at very high risk of suicide. She had nothing to live for, and yet the psychiatrists’ only concern was to continue to write prescriptions for drugs that harmed her. When she had difficulty concentrating and focussing or had other issues, the psychiatrists consistently ascribed this to her psychiatric “illness,” not to their drugs, in contrast to some alert nurses.
Tuva would likely not have died if the psychiatrists had not ignored her observations, wishes, and crucial questions. She so much wanted to come off her drugs, and she did not get the psychotherapy she requested repeatedly, which would likely have saved her life.
The gruesome story of Tuva Andersson
Tuva was artistic and played music and painted. Such people are often sensitive, and Tuva had some social difficulties.

She knew more about her condition than the psychiatrists did including that her main problem was anxiety, which worsened in stressful situations. Everything else came from this, and if it could be handled, she would be okay.
Most psychiatrists she encountered knew far too little about the drugs they prescribed. In 2012, Eric Olsson at Danderyd’s psychiatric department started her on 5 mg olanzapine daily, which he erroneously called “a small dose.” Tuva had no psychotic symptoms, but Olsson opined she was borderline psychotic and had “neuropsychiatric issues.”
Another psychiatrist, Andreas Irwinger, strongly suspected neuropsychiatric disorder and autistic spectrum disorder. Neuropsychiatric disorder is a “blanket medical term that encompasses a broad range of medical conditions that involve both neurology and psychiatry. Common neuropsychiatric disorders include: seizures, attention deficit disorders, cognitive deficit disorders, palsies, uncontrolled anger, migraine, headaches, addictions, eating disorders, depression, anxiety.”
This is a nonsense diagnosis. One cannot strongly suspect something that is so vaguely defined and encompasses so many different conditions.
It is also obvious that symptoms of autism spectrum disorder can be drug harms, but very few of Tuva’s many psychiatrists considered if her symptoms could be caused by the drugs she received. Despite the heavy drugging, which included a neuroleptic, a depression drug and two sedatives, Tuva managed to study mathematics at a high level at the university.
On several occasions, Tuva tapered off some of her drugs, e.g. benzodiazepines, but none of her psychiatrists warned her about withdrawal symptoms or provided her with tapering guidance. They continued prescribing benzos for many years on end, and whenever Tuva developed symptoms compatible with akathisia, a horrific drug harm that increases the risk of suicide, violence and homicide, this was consistently ignored. Her psychiatrists also ignored her when she said that some of her symptoms could be drug withdrawal symptoms.
In 2018, Tuva was admitted to the psychiatric ward in Hudiksvall after a suicide attempt. She felt isolated and insecure when meeting other people and had been on sick leave for two years. She had prepared a noose but was scared and told her mother about her suicide plan. One of the drugs she was on was amitriptyline, a tricyclic depression drug. Tricyclics are very dangerous in overdoses and Tuva ultimately killed herself with this drug. The forensic autopsy showed that the cause of death was intoxication with amitriptyline and zopiclone.
According to her medical records, Tuva made a fire using newspapers in order to escape from the department, but Karin disputes it was Tuva who started the fire and Tuva denied it. The medical records contrasted with the police report, and Tuva was never convicted by the police. It has been documented many times that medical records at psychiatric hospitals can be seriously misleading and that psychiatrists lie routinely in court.
Tuva was briefly jailed without an assessment by a doctor of the need for care, and she was denied medical examination in the prison even though the police said this was needed.
Next, Tuva was transferred to a department of forensic psychiatry in Säter, which increased her suicide risk markedly. The transferral was based on testimony from chief psychiatrist Daniela Schmitt who condemned Tuva and exaggerated the facts to ensure she got incarcerated and became treated with a depot neuroleptic even though she was not psychotic.
Schmitt described Tuva as a very seriously ill person, a hopeless case with serious psychiatric derangement, chronic and serious depression with psychotic symptoms, some affective issues, anxiety, being unreliable and ambivalent, having lack of impulse control, and having “neuropsychiatric issues” needing around the clock psychiatric care.
Schmitt did not even know Tuva who was admitted the same day, but it was Schmitt who decided that Tuva must be transferred to the unit in Säter. This is a place where deeply psychopathic killers and dangerous patients with schizophrenia are kept, sometimes for life. This was also where any hope of a better future, outside psychiatry, was taken away from Tuva.
Tuva wanted to stop with amitriptyline, which had not helped her and had given her a dry mouth, but she got no help, even though chief psychiatrist Simona Neverauskiene noted that her suicide risk was high and every psychiatrist knows that amitriptyline is an effective suicidal agent.
Neverauskiene claimed that Tuva could not judge her need of treatment, but this was exactly what she could, and she was correct in her judgment, in contrast to her psychiatrists.
The forensic psychiatric department in Säter
The diagnostic examinations that were requested in the transferral to Säter were not carried out.
When Tuva arrived, she was not in treatment with neuroleptics and she was not psychotic. But she was immediately started on paliperidone depot injections. Chief psychiatrist Vladislav Rushkin argued that she had possible antisocial traits, with difficult-to-explain deviant behaviour including arson, and that because of her non-compliance with the prescribed drugs, she must be treated with depot paliperidone.
Tuva was now doomed. She could not escape from the depot injections like patients often escape tablets by spitting them out when nobody is watching. Tuva was clearly afraid of the neuroleptic, but Rushkin didn’t care.
He wrote that Tuva had unspecified acute psychosis, which was not correct, and that she had an unspecified dissociative disorder and an unspecified personality disorder. The fact is that Tuva’s appearance on admission was pretty normal, which another doctor confirmed the next day.
Rushkin noted that Tuva didn’t want to remain at the clinic and argued that since she had another opinion some days ago, this was a clear sign of continuing instability, and that she would therefore be subjected to forced injections if she did not accept them voluntarily. Allow me to say that psychiatrists change their opinions all the time without receiving forced injections.
It seems that Rushkin violated the internationally agreed guidelines about the duty to inform and motivate the patient before an injection with a neuroleptic, and the lack of knowledge about the law for compulsory psychiatric care was criticised in a post-mortem report.
During a whole month, Tuva planned to self-harm in order to die, but her risk of suicide was nonetheless called difficult to assess.
Nurse Carolina Silfver described serious harms of paliperidone that made it impossible for Tuva to do what she liked, e.g. move around and play piano, and her cognitive abilities were much reduced, but Rushkin didn’t care. Ten days later he even opined that the neuroleptic had helped Tuva. This is close to being delusional. As expected, randomised trials have shown that neuroleptics worsen cognitive functions.
Rushkin ascribed all improvements to himself and the neuroleptic he forced Tuva to accept. When a nurse noted that Tuva suffered from muscle stiffness, which can be caused both by amitriptyline and paliperidone, the psychiatrists did not react to the harms they had caused but instituted yet another drug, used for Parkinsonism.
When Rushkin transferred Tuva back to Hudiksvall, his letter to the prosecution demonstrated his incompetence. He mentioned aberrant behaviour; replies with a long latency; lack of response; that Tuva saw everything around her as a game; that she had psychotic symptoms; that she was against getting a depot neuroleptic (which was therefore in reality forced treatment); that she still needed to be at a closed ward because of a serious psychiatric disorder in the form of a psychosis; that she needed around the clock psychiatric care; had suicidal thoughts; lacked insight into her disease; and could not provide informed consent to what she was offered.
The one who lacked insight into Tuva’s disease was clearly not her, but her psychiatrist.
Hudiksvall’s psychiatric department killed Tuva
When Tuva came back to Hudiksvall, she suffered a lot from anxiety, which worsened after each injection. Her periods disappeared and she developed milky nipple discharge, and she was therefore switched to aripiprazole depot injections.
She was now an outpatient. Psychiatrist Melinda Miklos mentioned that almost all of Tuva’s previous drugs had caused terrible side effects. These drugs included an anti-epileptic even though the package inserts warn that anti-epileptics double the risk of suicide.
When Tuva asked which diagnoses she had, Miklos told her she had no established diagnoses, only unspecified ones. Tuva said her diagnoses changed every time she saw a new psychiatrist.
In February 2019, Tuva was seen acutely because of suicide plans and preparations for hanging, but she continued as an out-patient even though she had dark thoughts about everything and no hope that it would change. She asked many times for psychotherapy, which was denied.
This was serious malpractice. A 2017 meta-analysis of the randomised trials showed that cognitive behavioural therapy halves the risk of a new suicide attempt in patients admitted acutely after a suicide attempt, like Tuva was. A year earlier, a more broad review, which included studies of self-harm, arrived at similar results.
Tuva was seen by a psychologist, Marcela Golap, who understood her and tried to arrange for psychotherapy. Unfortunately, even though Tuva mentioned she had consulted a psychologist about 10 times when she lived in Stockholm to learn how to handle anxiety and stress when she tapered off benzodiazepines, Golap’s good intentions came to nothing, as she stopped working at the ward.
Tuva said she would commit suicide if she did not feel her situation improved. Finally, a psychiatrist, Melinda Miklos, realised the danger and referred Tuva to psychotherapy. But there was a waiting list.
At a treatment conference, it was agreed that psychotherapy was highly relevant because the drugs had not had “enough” effect. Well, they had made Tuva’s situation much worse and had set her on a suicide course. The situation was critical for her, but the department decided that she would be summoned for psychotherapy within a couple of months disregarding that Tuva was in acute need of psychotherapy.
Tuva’s many drugs harmed her considerably. She had reduced cognitive functions, memory problems, concentration difficulties, monotonous speech, difficulty keeping focus and planning, starting and finishing tasks, and she was very isolated.
Tuva was consistent about her suicide plans and the psychiatrists must have known that this would likely end in disaster. Yet, they did not taper off her drugs, in particular the depot neuroleptic, which she could not escape from.
During this period, Tuva was seen weekly at the hospital. She had suicidal thoughts all the time. The questionable psychosis diagnosis had been withdrawn but the depot injections with aripiprazole nonetheless continued.
The medical records were highly misleading. Something was called psychotherapy, but nothing was written at the first visit about concrete psychotherapy or which form of therapy it was, indeed, if any psychotherapy was offered at all. It was also unclear if Peter Hedman, the person Tuva visited, was a psychiatrist or a psychologist. I was taken by surprise when I asked Karin and she told me that he was neither of these. He was a curator, a social worker, which she documented.
Under the heading “Psychotherapy,” Hedman wrote his pretty meaningless notes that did not suggest Tuva got any therapy. After Tuva’s suicide, Karin complained about malpractice, and an official body criticised the department for letting a curator take care of Tuva in the last three months of her life when a change in drug treatment occurred and also considering the suicide risk.
Hedman was totally incompetent. There was absolutely nothing in his notes about how he would attempt to prevent suicide. On 11 June, he opined that Tuva’s suicide risk was low, but later the same day she was acutely admitted after she took an overdose of zopiclone and put a chair under a noose. She did not remember any of this. She had sent a text message to SOS that she was about to kill herself and woke up when the ambulance arrived.
Tuva told a nurse she was disappointed that her suicide attempt failed. Even though her suicide risk was very high, the department did not institute constant surveillance of her, so she could easily have killed herself during the night.
Three days later, chief psychiatrist Simona Neverauskiene decided to stop amitriptyline cold turkey over the weekend. Stopping a depression drug abruptly increases the risk of suicide markedly, which every psychiatrist knows. According to the European Medicines Agency and the package insert, amitriptyline “should be gradually withdrawn over several weeks.”
The medical records were contradictory. At first, amitriptyline would be stopped cold turkey on a Friday, but a tapering over 6 days was also noted, with no details.
On 20 June, Neverauskiene wrote that Tuva had met with “her psychologist Peter.” She did not even know that Hedman was not a psychologist.
Tuva’s last two months
Unsurprisingly, Tuva developed abstinence symptoms after the abrupt reduction of the amitriptyline dose.
At the weekly visits, no one provided the help Tuva needed, and Hedman continued to consider her suicide risk low. This was catastrophic. The psychiatrists should immediately have stopped these meetings and should have arranged for Tuva to be seen by a psychologist as an emergency.
Two days later, Neverauskiene met with Tuva. She was at high risk of suicide and had nothing to live for, and yet the only concern the staff had, including Neverauskiene, was to continue to write prescriptions for Tuva for drugs that harmed her even though the whole idea was to prevent suicide.
The same day, Tuva was discharged to her home. Tuva’s parents were not informed about the recent suicide attempt or the increased suicide risk.
Chief psychiatrist Daniela Schmitt approved the decision that Tuva was “encouraged to take the initiative herself and the responsibility for follow-up.”
The psychiatrists told Tuva to fend for herself and take responsibility after they had themselves not done that. They wrote in the final notes that she had reduced capacity to look after herself. That’s no wonder considering the drug cocktail she was on. But how could they then, at the same time, assign this responsibility to her? It looks like collective cognitive dissonance.
No assessment was carried out of whether Tuva could care for herself, i.e. could handle the drugs herself, and no review of which drugs she had access to from previous prescriptions was carried out. This was criticised in a post-mortem complaint by chief physician Maarit Wirkkala from the region. She also noted that the time Tuva spent in jail and during forensic care had devastating consequences she never recovered from; that a careful diagnostic assessment, good care and adequate treatment when Tuva first arrived in September 2018 would likely have avoided the subsequent course with a crime, arrest and forensic psychiatry; and that if information from relatives, the patient and earlier care staff had been thoroughly mapped, the ensuing diagnostics and treatment would likely have been more adequate and effective.
Schmitt acknowledged that sedatives are habit forming, but no one instituted a tapering plan.
Two days after discharge, Hedman had telephone contact with Tuva and wrote: “The patient will continue having contact with the undersigned for psychotherapy once a week.” I seriously doubt that what he provided for her deserved this name. What were his qualifications to practice psychotherapy, which involves a pretty long education? How is it possible to perform therapy and then write absolutely nothing about what type it is, what it involves, how Tuva reacts, and what the outcome is?
On 6, 12 and 19 August, Tuva met with Hedman and he considered Tuva’s suicide risk low every time. Six days later, she killed herself.
Tuva’s problem was anxiety. But her diagnoses included borderline psychosis, neuropsychiatric issues, neuropsychiatric disorder, chronic depression, autistic spectrum disorder, ADHD, mixed anxiety and depressive state, unspecified depressive episode, dissociative tendencies, serious psychiatric derangement, and serious chronic depression with psychotic symptoms.
Post-mortem assessment by psychiatrist Albert Stephan
Stephan’s evaluation was done on behalf of the county council’s insurance company.
His report was damning. Tuva’s care and treatment had been deficient; despite the increasing suicide risk, corresponding interventions were not introduced; there was no evidence justifying the transfer of Tuva to the forensic department and no close coordination occurred; observable symptoms were not interpreted in a way that is expected by an experienced psychiatrist; it was difficult to know which kind of care Tuva received, i.e. if it was according to the common law for all patients or if it was according to the law for compulsory psychiatric care; and Tuva was discharged from the department with an encouragement to take the initiative and responsibility for follow-up herself.
Stephan concluded that it was likely that Tuva’s death was caused by the lack of investigations, treatments and other such interventions, and that her suicide risk could have been “considerably mimimised.”
Final remarks
Tuva’s fate is not unique. In Denmark, Luise Christensen fell asleep in her bed while smoking a cigarette after an extraordinarily large dose of a neuroleptic, probably a result of a medical error. The bed caught fire which a staff member quickly extinguished. In court, Luise got a forced treatment order which, in principle, could be for life. No one asked the staff who knew her but a chief physician who didn’t know her gave testimony, which sentenced her.
Luise’s sentence was used by the psychiatrists even many years later to overmedicate her, arguing how dangerous she was, and a deeply incompetent and arrogant psychiatrist refused to listen to Luise and her mother. Two years before she died, Luise said to her mother: “You can write on my tombstone that it was the medication that killed me.”
The medical records were seriously misleading—even sometimes fraudulent. Almost without exception, whenever Luise or her mother complained about drug harms, the dosage of the suspect drug was increased, and in several instances, what was written in the patient’s chart was plain wrong but made the staff’s actions look better. On several occasions, inconvenient correspondence with the authorities “disappeared.”
There was only one good psychiatrist who listened to Luise and understood her, and it was decided at a discharge conference that she should take as little neuroleptic medication as possible. However, the arrogant psychiatrist, who was present at the conference, did the exact opposite. Luise lost all hope and asked her mother: “Mom, do you think it’s better in Heaven?”
Six months before she died at age 32, Luise’s best friend, who stayed in the room next to her at the hospital, suddenly collapsed at the floor and died within a few minutes. Luise was completely shattered and all she said to her mother was: “I’ll be next.”
An overdose of a depot neuroleptic killed Luise. This was called a “natural death” and Luise’s death certificate said, “death from unknown causes.” When Luise’s mother complained, she was told that Luise had received “the highest standard of specialist treatment.”
The “licence to kill” in James Bond movies has a perverse meaning in psychiatry. It is considered the highest standard of specialist treatment to kill people after having tortured them for many years with the drugs that ultimately killed them, and which they begged their torturers not to use.
Luise’s mother wrote a heart-breaking book about this and founded the organisation “Death in Psychiatry” whose members have all experienced a family member being killed by psychiatry. They demonstrate every year outside the hospital on Luise’s death day.
Tuva’s and Luise’s stories are emblematic. They illustrate why so-called biological psychiatry has been a disaster, and why we need a new mental health care that is not obsessed with neurotransmitters and unscientific diagnoses, which lead to treatment with harmful drugs, but focuses on psychotherapy, other psychosocial interventions, empathy, understanding, respect, lack of force, and fully informed consent in all situations.
Thousands of patients are killed every day with psychiatric drugs that don’t work for them. Luise’s last request to her mother was: “Mom, won’t you tell the world how we’re treated?”
In Sweden, an editorial in a local newspaper, Hudiksvall Tidning, stated on 5 February 2020: “The personal disaster that befell this family involves so many mistakes in the chain of care that it is almost mind boggling. How is that even possible, one thinks when reading the story of Tuva. Everyone can make the wrong decision at some point. But not all the time.”
This is what we see in psychiatry. All the time.
“Professor, Doctor of Medical Science, Peter C. Gøtzsche documents that psychiatric drugs kill more than half a million people every year among those aged 65 and above in the United States and Europe.”
I clicked through. I wanted to know how many are killed. They didn’t kill me. I was able to walk away. I got lucky (though I remain in hiding – 6 years later).
Why? It makes no sense. I am an honest individual, who prizes kindness above all else. For decades in my younger days, I was an award winning aerospace software engineer. Today I am a volunteer Tech Coach at the Library and I put in a volunteer shift at the food bank, every week.
I am 68. I have no children. There will be no one advocating for me. If I am not lucky enough to simply drop dead – I can expect an abusive guardianship and eventual poisoning, in my elder years. This is the society and the times I live in. I hope I have the ability to calmly accept my fate.
What was my original “crime”? I was a menopausal woman with a headache (I grew out of when I passed through menopause – now 17 years ago).
It makes no sense.
Other than through the lens of outright exploitation of my body for money.
Every day I wake up – joyful for the surprise of living each day. I wasn’t suicidal before their drugs and I am not suicidal after their drugs. I got lucky. I know I got lucky.
Thank you to everyone trying to make a difference, each in their own way.
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Dimwits. Something simple like low magnesium or zinc can induce anxiety, but something simple like that is too much for modern psychiatry to grasp and proper treatment for same doesn’t win you any points for your favorite Pharma rep.
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Thank you for this important contribution!
I have spent two months at an open psychiatric ward in Germany at the beginning of this year, where I was treated for hypomania and akathisia. I noted how many patient suffered from mild to severe anxiety across different psychiatric diagnoses. Psychosis in particular appeared like an exacerbated form of anxiety disorder to me. I suffered from anxiety as well and agreed to being treated with a benzodiazepine for three weeks. It worked. But when I stopped taking the benzodiazepine, my problems returned. I asked for psychotherapy, as exposure therapy helps with anxiety, but I was told that I should start psychotherapy after the hospital stay. The anxiety miraculously disappeared and I think it might have been a side-effect from the Abilify which I was prescribed for for my bipolar disorder.
A lot of patients are not only being treated with a benzodiazepine when suffering from anxiety, but with a neuroleptic as well. Some of my fellow patients were even treated with Haldol, since the more modern neuroleptics “failed” to work. From my experience, the management of anxiety without drugs would be absolutely crucial in psychiatric settings.
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Psychiatry is the science of torture. It turns hope into tragedy.
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“Psychiatry is the science of torture”.
So very true.
Even worse, when psychiatric treatment is court-ordered, patients are forced to accept the torture drugs and ECT inflict. The courts are at fault for turning a blind eye to the harm caused by psychiatric treatment.
Dr. Gøtzsche,
Thank you for working to enlighten others.
God bless,
Maria Mangicaro
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Those kinds of things happen daily all over the world as long as the psychiatrists can keep their position and are listened to as experts and as long as the law enforcement brings people to them. It makes me angry how the public safety is currently kept with torturing and disabling people then lying as a group that it is a treatment for a sickness and that none has done any violence.
When doctors are used as a method of citizen control, it corrupts everyone being part of that system. Newspapers should be filled with stories of killed people, but there is only silence and listening to the stories of killers as the true stories. Almost none seem to care about the others.
That kind of not caring goes to the extremities. When a normal citizen in any country sees someone disabled or suffering he immendentially decides that he sees mental illness, not understanding that he sees the medicine and the world wide neglect of those who cause feelings of discomfort. He can even feel a sense of pride when he contacts the authorities and “helps” someone not understanding his actions when the one not understanding his actions and being delusional is himself.
But how could we judge the entire law enforcement systems as criminal organizations suffering from delusions when they are the law? Can we arrest worldwide every police and every department of justice and every mental health worker and judge them to life sentences or death as they should be judged by the law?
In the simplest form, we should educate everyone that someone wanting to die and someone suffering and someone scaring them or hurting them or making their life miserable is not sick. Calling someone sick or needing help in any of those situations is a lie and a threat that can be compared to the plan to kill someone.
That woman in a story who suffered from anxiety had some real reason for being anxious like everyone has. It is not a “symptom”, but a reaction to the situation. Therefore calling it a symptom changes attention away from the people and their rules and reactions surrounding that poor one and finally step by step creates a false story of something being wrong with her. The same story could be told as ever tightening hurting from society. When the situation gets worse by the deeds of the doctors and court, so do the “symptoms and illness”.
It is like treating a scared dog by hitting it with the stick every day to get it to be less dangerous and then observing what happens to the dog. Instead of dogs, the ones being persecuted and assaulted are just human beings.
Currently the officers and people they pay for are the world wide delusion system, when they compare people with self built assessment tools to assess their moral values and feelings like a “danger” as existing real life objects on someone else and then publish the results and claiming that their decisions are now scientific and evidence based.
That kind of language feeds the public with the constant flood of stories of dangerous delirious people and those stories are born automatically inside the system if some decisions require that someone is dangerous or mentally ill. That creates the situation where a one making the assessment is more dangerous than the ones he assesses.
That underlines that none should be judged based on something he probably does, because by doing that one likely causes the very thing be it suicide or the violence.
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Brilliant post!
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Modern psychiatry is not a science. If you can’t test for the supposed chemical that my brain is deficient in then you are just guessing. It is a dart-board approach at best and mental torture at worst.
I had the exact same experience as Tuva. I either had horrible side effects or no effect at all. I was prescribed ant-psychotics when no psychotic symptoms were present. The mood stabilizer actually sent me into another manic episode. I still don’t know what was worse – the physical or the mental side effects.
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I’ll never stop wondering and asking this question, but how did a profession which specializes in institutionalizing the insane and the criminally deviant spill into the public sphere? How are these people able to operate in an open capacity and pass themselves off as trusted doctors?
When I think of psychiatrists what comes to mind traditionally is the stereotype or impression of a clinician dressed in white working at an asylum. How did they get their claws into functionally sane people?
Better yet, where the hell are all of the psychologists? People who should be specialized in dealing with human thought, emotion, and behavior?
It never ceases to boggle my mind how we allow depression, brought on by feelings of sadness, loss, dejection, and a lack of motivation, to be diagnosed as a medical illness. The same with anxiety. Some people are more acutely sensitive to situations and unable to handle stress and pressure like everybody else. That doesn’t mean they’re sick.
Someone has to die in order to keep the lie, the grift of psychiatry alive. It is an evil unlike any other. And it’s always the brightest among us like Tuva Andersson who have to be taken from this world.
Psychiatry is a merchant of death and suffering passing itself off as medicine. The memory of me meeting my first psychiatrist at the age of 13 and being prescribed Paxil will always stick with me.
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Psychiatrists aren’t there to help “you”. They’re there to help society deal with people like “you”. The close connection between law enforcement and psychiatry, both the similarities between prisons and institutions and police officers dragging you to the nuthouse, is not coincidental either. Psychiatry can then be argued to be an extension of law enforcement that is primarily concerned with people who are deemed a nuisance to others, are expected to commit crimes in the future and now must be stopped from doing so by means of pre-crime measures or people who are incapable or unwilling to contribute to society, e.g. getting a job and pay taxes. The combination of which shows that psychiatry primarily serves to maintain the status quo and propagate the notion that your right to life depends on you paying more into the system than taking from it. It is precisely what happens in schools when pupils are sent to a psychologist and assessed for disorders. Childhood disorders always relate to subnormal performance, be that academically, cognitively, socially etc. and being cured from such a disorder is tantamount to performing to a degree deemed appropriate for such a person. The reason that psychiatry still exists is then very simple. It exists for the same reason organized religion still exists. As a tool to regulate social bodies. And just like organized religion, many people get very invested in it even if they themselves are not profiting of it.
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@Critical comment – They deal in crisis management to put it more bluntly. The police are one strong arm of the state and psychiatry is another. That’s why their visits are usually prefaced with “Have you had thoughts lately of hurting yourself or other people”? It’s also why they have big, burly security guards at the ready to subdue you.
I have had a few clinicians offhandledly tell me that there was nothing they could do for me but give me medication to “relax” (a.k.a sedate or tranquilize) me and send me on my way, and even one nurse told me in an interestingly benign way that exercise and dieting would help me (exercise and good eating elevate the mood). This puts the “professional help” myth to rest.
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Psychiatry’s diagnostic creep began in 1980 with the publication of the DSM lll. It adopted a new format (checklists) to give the false impression that feelings of psychological distress are “symptoms” of biologically based “brain disorders”. Psychiatry did this because it was losing clients to the psy-professionals who weren’t licensed to prescribe drugs. It’s the dirty game of one-upmanship that keeps psychiatry at the top of its medicalized garbage heap.
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@Birdsong – This makes a lot of sense. I was born in 1989 so this racket has been going on for my entire life, but not as long as my parents and older siblings have been alive.
By the time I was diagnosed in my adolescence during the 2000’s after coming into my aunts guardianship after being taken out of foster care the practice of pumping childrens and adolescents brains with toxins to keep them under control had already been a lucrative industry.
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We live in an age of over diagnosis and over medication (medicalization) and children in foster care are among the most vulnerable, as are the truth tellers of any authoritarian society. So psychiatry isn’t about mental health, it’s about social control and the prestige and money that brings. You might look at a book by Joanna Moncrieff called “The Myth of the Chemical Cure”.
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We all worship someone or something. When God is absent that someone or something is one or other counterfeit god, a god who never supports, comforts, loves or, most importantly, never saves. Is the therapy most often needed in preventing suicide not God-therapy?
“Attending religious services once per week or more was associated with an approximately five-fold lower rate of suicide, compared with never attending services (Hazard Ratio [HR]=0.16, 95% confidence interval: 0.06–0.46)”. VanderWeele TJ, Li S, Tsai AC, Kawachi I. Association Between Religious Service Attendance and Lower Suicide Rates Among US Women. JAMA Psychiatry. 2016;73(8):845-851. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2016.1243
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The victims of psychiatry are almost never the ones who worship psychiatry. People who know first-hand what psychiatry is and does do not worship it. Many victims of psychiatry want to abolish psychiatry, and don’t pay heed to anything published in journals of psychiatry, which have historically been shown to be based on junk science.
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The mind is not the problem, it’s the environment, and then how the mind adapts. Using chemicals to change how life produces meaning in a mind is ridiculous. It would be like fixing a programming error in a computer by soaking it in bleach.
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Thank You Dr Peter,
This is a truly horrendous story! I wonder how trained medical doctors can behave so dreadfully. You would wonder how anything like this can happen in modern Sweden.
When I came off a depot injection in 1984 and transferred to non intrusive doses of oral medications I still suffered from terrible anxiety (about everything); but I was able to find ‘psychotherapeutic’ ways of dealing with it. Without this I’m sure I would not have survived.
Eckhart Tolle describes a similar method in the ‘Power of Now’ (in his approach to the ‘Pain Body’ which each of us possesses). He recommends focusing exclusively on the physical feelings of the Anxiety until it eventually softens. Once the Anxiety softens there is no problem.
In my experience this works.
The therapeutic approach works far better than any Psychiatric Drug. It offers longterm freedom, which Psychiatry obviously cannot handle.
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Are the many psychiatrists, psychologists and others who treated her still practicing? If so, why & how?
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Psychiatry in 1st World, Developed countries has moved on to a position where intentionally killing a patient is OK.
In the Normal World, Doctors can’t kill patients and get away with it, but in Psychiatry they can.
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What are psychiatrists so afraid of?
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Most human distress is ‘Anxiety’. But there is no solution in Tranquillisers (aka medication). Without the ‘medication’ psychiatrists would be unemployable.
(‘Schizophrenia’ itself is more or less an Anxiety condition).
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Most of my problems stemmed from anxiety.
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And the worst “anxiety” came from believing I was “mentally ill”.
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Insensitivity is the defining feature of mainstream psychiatry.
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…insensitivity in all its forms is the defining feature of mainstream psychiatry.
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I come back from time to time to this site to read about Tuva Anderson’s story again. The reason is that I have never read a story that I found was closer to my experiences with psychiatry than Ms. Anderson’s story.
From what her mother and Peter Goetsche tell about her it seems she was a wonderful person who was smart and of great inner strength. I love that painting of her of the Swedish winter landscape.
To know her story is of great help for me to find my way to deal with the malpractice and the violence I have experienced at the hands of doctors, social workers and psychologists myself. I am so thankful to Ms. Anderson’s mother, Ms. Karina Hjelm, that she decided to go public with her daughter’s story. And I want to express my sympathies to her. I am so sorry for your loss.
The similarities between Ms. Anderson’s story and my life are probably so big because we share the same personality style. It is not suggested here because that’s not Peter Goetsche’s job of course but I think that Ms. Anderson probably went undiagnosed with the problems that psychiatrically are subsumed under the diagnosis of avoidant personality disorder for many years, probably since her teenage years are since she was a very young woman. People with these problems are intelligent and very good observers and theory builders and intellectualy but we’re also shy and quiet, and I think that that’s part of the problem that we often go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Professionals who are not specialised to reckognize the symptoms are probably fast to think that because we are neither aggressive nor emotional when we suffer that not much can be wrong with us. On the inside however our suffering is enormous because we have these extremely high stress levels constantly because being with other people is so stressful for us because of our clinging to very negative self-concepts.
When I realized that neither medication or psychotherapy could help me – that was in my late twenties – I tried to find other things. And I was lucky, because yoga, meditation, the Buddhist path and many more recovery tools most importantly group settings proved themselves to be extremely helpful. In Germany there are two leading experts for this diagnosis, Peter Fiedler and Michael Marwitz who have published an excellent overview article in 2016 “Selbstunsichere und ängstlich-vermeidende Persönlichkeitsstörungen”. Most likely they have also published in English. As a person who suffered from these problems and has found ways to deal with this and to recover I can highly recommend their work on this syndrome. I think that not only Ms. Anderson and me, but many, many more people go undiagnosed with these problems and the public and the professional field should give this syndrome a lot more attention. It is unfair to only spend money into the ailments of people who are loud, aggressive, and emotional when they suffer psychologically and support so much less those who have a way to suffer more quietly (and more tolerably for others).
I reckognize myself in so many details of what my real problems were, mainly social anxiety and episodic depression, and how the people of the mental health system reacted to me. They had literally nothing to support me with the issues that were the reason why I came to see them and tried to force me under their ideas of my problems and how they wanted to fix me.
Just as Ms. Anderson I left every psychotherapist/psychiatrist with a new diagnosis when at the same time I was (in more than twenty years and until I decided to leave for good after almost not surviving a series of psychiatric violence and malpractice for the second time) worse everytime at the end of a new trial of psychotherapy.
But I don’t want to write my whole story down here. But I take it as a reminder that I should take all my courage and also write my story down in the end. Because I understand when I come back to this article and to Ms. Anderson’s story that also offering my story publicly will be a support for other people.
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