Modern Medicine: The Non-Healing Art


From Remnant | MD: “In 1810, a German physician by the name Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann first published a book entitled The Organon of the Healing Art, the final (6th) edition of which was completed in 1842.

Many contemporary doctors, myself included, drone on about how ‘modern’ medicine has it wrong…it treats the symptoms instead of the cause…it is in bed with big pharma…and so on.

I would like to present to you an excerpt (with commentary) direct from Hahnemann’s 6th edition preface:

Medicine as commonly practiced (allopathy) knows no treatment except to draw from diseases the injurious materials which are assumed to be their cause.

. . . We can see that even in the 19th-century, there was recognition of the misguided assumption that the body is somehow wrong in its response to disease, and that the only way to ‘cure’ a person is to rid the body of its own creation.

It assails the body with large doses of powerful medicines, often repeated in rapid succession for a long time, whose long-enduring, not infrequently frightful effects it knows not, and which…makes unrecognizable by the commingling of several such unknown substances in one prescription, and by their long-continued employment it develops in the body new and often ineradicable medicinal diseases.

The ‘heroic’ [derived from heroic depletion theory] medicine of the time is accused of endangering the body with highly potent chemicals, often for extended periods of time and in combination with other such chemicals…eventually leading to new and incurable diseases.

Whenever it can, it employs, in order to keep in favor with its patient,* remedies that immediately suppress and hide the morbid symptoms by opposition…for a short time (palliatives), but that leave the cause for these symptoms (the disease itself) strengthened and aggravated.

It considers affections on the exterior of the body as purely local and existing there independently, and vainly supposes that it has cured them when it has driven them away by means of external remedies, so that the internal affection is thereby compelled to break out on a nobler and more important part.

Treating ‘affections on the exterior’ – aka symptoms – ultimately results in the internal causes manifesting as disease in other body parts. Effectively, instead of curing a disease – you divert its symptom-causing capacity to another body part.

For the same object the experienced allopath delights to invent a fixed name, by preference a Greek one…in order to make the patient believe that he has long known this disease as an old acquaintance, and hence is the fitted person to cure it.

Yeah, Hahnemann was a savage.

It seems that the unhallowed principal business of the old school of medicine (allopathy) is to render incurable if not fatal the majority of diseases, those made chronic through ignorance by continually weakening and tormenting the already debilitated patient by the further addition of new destructive drug diseases.

I told you. Savage.

When this pernicious practice has become a habit and one is rendered insensible to the admonitions of conscience, this becomes a very easy business indeed.

This non-healing art, which for many centuries has been firmly established in full possession of the power to dispose of the life and death of patients according to its own good will and pleasure, and in that period has shortened the lives of ten times as many human beings as the most destructive wars, and rendered many millions of patients more diseased and wretched than they were originally – this allopathy, I have, in the introduction to the former editions of this book, considered more in detail.'”

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  1. Well, I have not read all this doctor’s writings, but largely agree, we must get rid of the way too greedy allopathic – Rockefeller allopathic medical system. Etiology matters – more than symptom “management,” as most mainstream allopathic doctors currently, incorrectly believe. And this is particularly a problem with the systemic, iatrogenic illness creating, DSM deluded, “mental health professionals.”

    “This non-healing art, which for many centuries has been firmly established in full possession of the power to dispose of the life and death of patients according to its own good will and pleasure, and in that period has shortened the lives of ten times as many human beings as the most destructive wars, and rendered many millions of patients more diseased and wretched than they were originally – this allopathy, I have, in the introduction to the former editions of this book, considered more in detail.’”

    Rockefeller’s allopathic medical system is, most definitely, problematic.

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