On Yahoo News, PA Media science reporter Nilima Marshall has this story on new research linking loneliness in childhood with psychosis in later life, particularly for women:
“Being lonely in childhood may be associated with greater risk of experiencing an episode of psychosis such as hallucinations, delusions and confused thoughts later in life, early research suggests.
Scientists have found that children who experienced loneliness for more than six months before the age of 12 were more likely to experience a loss of contact with reality compared to those who did not. . . .
Professor Andrea Fiorillo, president elect of the European Psychiatric Association, said the findings show ‘a direct connection between childhood loneliness and the onset of psychosis’ and highlight ‘a concerning trend and underscore the importance of addressing social connectedness and emotional well-being from an early age.’ . . .
When controlling for factors such as social isolation, childhood loneliness was associated with a 117% increased likelihood of experiencing a psychotic episode later in life. . . For women, the risk was much higher – a 374% increased risk of experiencing a psychotic episode.”
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“Scientists have found that children who experienced loneliness for more than six months before the age of 12 were more likely to experience a loss of contact with reality compared to those who did not. . . .”
So those “scientists,” who declared a mother, of two young children, to be “irrelevant to reality” and “w/o work, content, and talent” – without ever looking at my work, a complete disrespect of being a stay at home mom, and based upon a “Pat didn’t like her” comment, likely via rumors via a pastor, according to my former, non-medically trained, psychologist’s medical records. A mom who was also claimed to be a “super mom,” by other mom’s in my neighborhood, since I was an avid volunteer.
There’s lots of that former, child rape and abuse covering up pastor’s lies and delusions, written in my medical records … for “Pat,” and her child raping husband, who was a confessed “soul mate” of that bad pastor.
But does this theory of yours, have documented evidence on children who moved at a young age? Documented evidence on how long it takes for a child, whose father needed to relocate, to reacclimatize?
I know as a not mentally abused child, who did have to move when I was a five years old, I did develop, an “imaginary friend,” which would today most definitely result in unnecessary child druggings, with psychological and psychiatric “voices” or “psychosis” claims … which is shameful. Since my “imaginary friend” stopped being important to me, in timely manner.
And without such links to proof, psychology and psychiatry shouldn’t be defaming and neurotoxic poisoning any of our children, based upon their scientifically “invalid” lies.
Please do provide me links proving the psychological and/or psychiatric industries should be given the right to have reign over any innocent person’s life, including any child’s, outside the law, and based upon gossip and lies.
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