Breaking the Incel Cycle: Understanding and Addressing the Crisis of Male Loneliness and Harm

A new study on the experiences of Incels reveals the roots of their struggles and proposes alternative resources to mitigate loneliness and enhance self-esteem and interpersonal connections.


The term “Incel,” short for “involuntarily celibate,” refers to a subculture of men who believe they are unjustly denied relationships and sex due to women’s unjust lack of appreciation for them. Incel communities have become increasingly prevalent on the internet, but they are associated with worse mental health outcomes for their members and increased violence towards women.

A recent study by researchers Maryn, Keogh, McConnell, and Exner-Cortens connects masculine norms, feelings of loneliness, and the appeal of Incel ideologies to young men. The researchers argue for recognizing these men’s emotional struggles as real and addressing them through compassionate and inclusive support systems and programs.

“Self-identified Incels have committed unjustifiable acts of violence, up to and including mass murder resulting in the needless loss of human life. Second, shaming a target population is harmful to prevention efforts, and most Incels do not commit acts of violence but face genuine struggles,” the researchers explain.
“We take a critical approach that acknowledges the importance of providing support to individuals by addressing the struggles with masculine gender norms that may lead young men to become Incels while also holding that many aspects of these ideologies are untrue and harmful (e.g., the idea that women are inherently shallow and only care about looks and money)…”

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Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.


  1. Don’t switch the lights off, because writing is your only home. Write. Write every inchoate thought and feeling, which is all that you are, this rhythm of human dysfunction you had the grace to endure. Understand it all and be free. Then you have done your work – then you can return to eternity.

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  2. “Self-identified Incels have committed unjustifiable acts of violence, up to and including mass murder resulting in the needless loss of human life.”

    Dear Mad in America: Please refrain from posting misandrist radical feminist propaganda on this site. I am embarrassed on MIA’S behalf to see this here.

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    • This is not propaganda. Elliot Rodger who identified as an incel killed 6 people in 2014. Alek Minassian who identified as an incel killed 11 people in 2018. Oguzhan Sert also identified as an incel and killed one person in 2020.

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      • I stand by my comment. This article is authored by radical feminist researchers who attempt to understand incels from a misandrist lens. As a man, I find it quite insulting and I don’t believe MIA is the place for promoting this type of work.

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      • I’m pretty sure people who have sex commit more violence. Including people who have sex who feel entitled to it. The only incel mass killer who seemed radicalized by blackpill ideology (what this author means by “incel ideology”) was Jake Davison. None of the other mass killers associated with incels were even on any incel forums.

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        • If a person is frustrated and angry, it might lead to violence, whether or not the person is having sex. I think that it’s not the lack of sex in itself which might lead to violence (it’s not true that people become aggressive if they are not having sex), but the frustration, anger, shame etc. “incels” may feel because of their situation. Elliot Rodger, Alek Minassian and Oguzhan Sert allegedly identified as incels.

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  3. The statement that incel is a subculture is sexist and ableist. Incel cannot be a subculture any more than trans can be a subculture. The latter statement would be labeled as sexist and ableist because it tries to deny the reality of transsexualism. To label it as a subculture rather than a life circumstance is a way to downplay lived experience. In the case of incels, of people who are not able to have sex, including those with PSSD.

    When I ran a website for incels, we had many who had joined solely because they were PSSD sufferers. Our community was on the whole anti-psychiatry and I had recommended Mad in America to members. I’d propose including more incel voices on this website rather than propaganda against them. And by that I don’t mean people from the blackpill boards. In fact, I’d recommend never giving blackpillers any space here. But maybe some incels from the Facebook groups that don’t include misogyny and whose incel is/was driven by psychiatric harm.

    Sexual side effects are sometimes the only statistically meaningful effects of psychiatric drugs and it can be powerful enough to effectively neuter someone for life, rendering them involuntary celibate, both male and female.

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    • Jake, when you talk about people unable to have sex, do you mean people who are physically unable to have sex or people who feel rejected by potential sexual partners? These are two very different problems. Being rejected by others is very painful, but it is not a disability.

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      • Joanna , Romantic Rejection is Extremely Painful for Both Men & Women
        Chronic Long Term
        Involuntary Celibacy is an
        Extremely Serious Painful Common Problem causing Horrible Suffering
        Having Sex is part of being Human

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        • Mark, I know that romantic rejection can be extremely painful. However, the lack of sex is a different problem. Western societies hugely exaggerate the importance of sex in human life. In my opinion love is much more important than sex.

          I think that many male “incels” wrongly assume that everyone apart from them is having regular and satisfying sex. This is merely a myth.

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          • Joanna, I agree it’s Not just about Sex , but also about Love, Companionship, Relationship, having a Significant Other
            Countless Men are unable to Get Girlfriends for Various Reasons
            It’s a Very Serious Problem

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          • Posting as moderator: MARK, PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL. I have sent several messages. If you are unable/unwilling to respond to emails, you are not allowed to post at MIA. Please write me back so we can discuss your prior posts. It’s not OK to keep saying you are waiting for them to be posted when I’ve told you my concerns and you have failed to respond.

            Please write me back or I will have to stop posting your comments. If that email doesn’t work, please get me one that does ASAP.


            —- Steve

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      • Why do Pro-Life Suicide Prevention people ignore the Very Real Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of the Countless Millions upon Millions of Disabled and Healthy people alike who are often unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons

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      • “Jake, when you talk about people unable to have sex, do you mean people who are physically unable to have sex or people who feel rejected by potential sexual partners? These are two very different problems. Being rejected by others is very painful, but it is not a disability.”

        What I referring to is involuntary celibacy shortened to incel. In extreme cases, it includes those are socially or physically unable to have sex, for example through being imprisoned or with erectile dysfunction due to involuntary psychiatric drugging. The less clear cases involving rejection are interesting philosophical questions about the meaning of the word “involuntary” but, even if the less clear cases do not count, it does not invalidate the common sense cases. What I am saying is not radical and has been discussed at length through centuries of literature and decades of academia.
        For example, the 41 literature and academic sources in this wiki article

        For a well rounded perspective, see the non-profit site:

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          • Steve, I find it quite thought-provoking that women who are not popular with men don’t blame men for it. Women don’t assume that they “deserve” a partner or sex. I would also add that in my opinion the belief that men “deserve” sex is linked to today’s oversexualized culture.

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          • I think it goes back to “male privilege,” the broad teaching that men deserve more than women and that women’s job is to keep men happy. We are taught this all the time in our media and other parts of society. It seems it’s women’s job to make sure everything works out for men, and when it doesn’t, women are to blame!

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          • “I think the author would be wise to avoid the word “incel.” It has taken on some other connotations than an inability to engage in sexual activities, and is associated with misogyny and violence.”

            Lamarcus Small, his incel forum, his predecessors, academics, and others who use his forum to broadbrush do not own the word incel… thanks

            Same with Gabriel’s forum…

            I am very, very familiar with which persons and groups are routinely misusing the word to mean a culture or ideology rather than a life circumstance applicable to many of your readers.

            It is also, and more appropriately, used to refer to just involuntary celibacy, because that was the original meaning. I do not respect those trying to re-define it, because, and maybe you are not included, but most do so in a malicious, bigoted, or denialist way.

            Despite what you may have heard, those who first used the word incel never really consented to having it stolen from them by commentators and academics. It is still their word. You can read more about that here

            And elsewhere

            I’ll end with a quote by professor Scott Aaronson:

            “People of conscience will need to be extremely vigilant against motte-and-bailey tactics—wherein society’s opinion-makers will express their desire for all “incels” to be silenced […] and will fall back when challenged (and only when challenged) on the defense that they only meant the violence-loving misogynists.”

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        • Jake, the difference between men e.g. with erectile dysfunction and men who feel rejected by women is crucially important. A man with erectile dysfunction or other physical problems can be in a loving relationship.

          As to men who feel rejected by women, one of the questions one can ask is: Do they mean women in general or women they find attractive? Another question one can ask is: are there things a man could change about himself to make a better impression on other people (not only women)? E.g. genuine kindness and a sense of humour mean much more than many people realize.

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  4. has an article headlined
    “What Happens to Men Who Can’t Have Sex”

    About the sadly Growing Incel Crisis in America and Worldwide
    The intense Sufferings of Incels
    – Still waiting for my other comments to be added here , I worked very hard to type them

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  5. Chronic Long Term
    Involuntary Celibacy is Everyone’s Problem
    I submitted other good comments that
    I’m waiting for to be added here
    Incels are Human Beings with Feelings
    Not Monsters
    The American Government Needs to Help people with Incel Problems

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  6. Not trying to offend anyone
    But we need Frank and honest, mature civil Discussions about the Incel Crisis in America and Worldwide
    Plus a website in 2019 stated. “The United States has major restrictions when it comes to the pursuit of sex, especially for involuntary celibates, or incels. Soliciting a prostitute is illegal in the United States, as if legalizing the exchange of money for safe sex with a consenting adult man or woman, under no coercion, in a safe and private setting, meant the fall of civilization. If one takes into account that engaging in, and soliciting, prostitution is illegal in the United States, but the making and broadcasting of pornography and sexual innuendos in American media is not, one sees a shameless and hypocritical double standard in American society which puts incels in the United States at a great disadvantage by narrowing their “freedom” down to merely being allowed to derive fantasies from porn or references to sex from TV shows to stimulate their libido, and to use them as a vehicle to reach orgasm on their own. This endeavor is limiting at best and unfulfilling at worst, and it is therefore a major cause of sexual frustration for many incels in the United States. Much to their dismay, they are not free to pay someone to partner up with to make those fantasies a reality without getting arrested in the United States, nor are they free to even talk about those fantasies or their sexual frustration without facing ostracism in American society as well as backlash, especially from the traditionalist, anti-prostitution prudes, activists, and zealots that abound in the country. The end result of this social dynamic becomes a tediously prudish American society that imposes far more restrictions than it allows freedoms when it comes to incels’ pursuit of sex. Law enforcement in the United States even goes as far as to waste time setting up sting operations to arrest and disgrace adults who make advances to pay for sex with another adult rather than investing the time and resources they waste in those unnecessary operations to fight real crime. To say the least, American society can be frustratingly tedious, prudish, oppressive, and disempowering to live in for incels, and it is likely that many of them are incels to begin with because they are socially marginalized by the vast majority of crowds in said society for reasons that don’t necessarily have anything to do with their sexual ardor. This is yet another example of how freedom in the United States is very lacking and how it is in no way all-inclusive.”

    My income is very low
    I’m unable to access this full article
    “Breaking the Incel Cycle: Understanding and Addressing the Crisis of Male Loneliness and Harm”

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  7. The Public Schools sadly Don’t Teach the Vital Skills Mentioned
    Social Skills, Life Skills, Street Smarts, Emotional Intelligence
    Not All Students learn these Skills Naturally

    Thus , the Public Schools Need to Teach these
    Vital Skills
    Year After Year After Year
    Test the Students on these Skills so that they don’t grow up to become Miserable
    Lonely Socially Awkward
    Incel Adults
    The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide
    The Public Schools Need to Teach these Vital Skills, Not All Students learn these Skills Naturally, or they have Socially Awkward parents who don’t Teach their children these Skills

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  8. Chronic Involuntary Celibacy
    Incel Problems are Everyone’s Problem
    It’s Not about being
    “Entitled” to Sex
    Sex is a Vital Human Need
    Not Just a Desire
    Anyone can sadly become Disabled and/or Incel as they get older
    Something is Seriously Wrong
    Seriously Wrong and Evil, Wicked about
    America or any other Nation or
    Society that Forces Sex Starved people to go Without Sex . The sad Reality is
    Countless Healthy and Disabled people alike are often unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
    The only way that they can get
    Sex is via Legalized Prostitution,
    Sex Work
    Yet America won’t Listen to Reason and be Reasonable and Just
    Legalize Prostitution in All 50 States of America and at Reasonable Prices
    Something is Seriously Wrong and Evil
    About America or any other Nation, Society that Outlaws Prostitution , the only Way Countless people are unable to Get Sex
    America is Disgusting, Diabolical & Pure Evil for
    Making Countless people go
    Without Sex , Making people go Without
    Sex , without Human Touch and contact
    America is Evil for Making people go without the Joy and Pleasure of Sex
    Because Sex even if paid for Via
    Prostitution is Far Better than No Sex
    How can America expect people to go without Sex ?
    The “freedom” in America is a Joke
    Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
    How is that “freedom” ?
    Seriously how is that “freedom”
    America Needs Real Freedom
    Libertarian Freedom
    Many Peer Reviewed Scientific Studies and Research have proven the sad Ugly Truth that Much Crime in America
    Both Sex Crimes and Non-Sex Crimes are sadly the Result of Sexual Frustration
    Because of Sexual Frustration , that’s the root cause of so much crime in America
    Legalized Prostitution has been shown to greatly Reduce Rape and other Tragic Crimes against Women
    Let’s Not believe the BS Lie that
    “Rape is Not about Sex , it’s about Power”
    Well many people and Articles have Explained how while Rape is a Terrible Crime, it’s Definitely about Sex , that’s what the Rapists Desire , Sex
    The Pros of Legalized Prostitution definitely outweigh any alleged cons ,
    Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work will Not cure Incels , but it will somewhat alleviate their intense Sufferings and Misery
    Countless people in America are in
    Desperate Meed of Sex
    They would pay for Sex via Prostitution , but they are Terrified of being Arrested and Jailed for a
    Basic Human Desire and Vital Human Need
    America Heartlessly Forces Countless Millions of people to go without Sex
    Plus I’ve read that when many people visit Prostitutes , that it’s for Sex
    But Also often for a Sense of Companionship , to Combat Crippling and Debilitating Loneliness
    America is a Vile Sickening Nation in Many Ways , a Truly
    Sexually Repressive Immature Childish Old Fashioned Puritanical , Prudish and Puritan Nation that Needs to
    Grow Up and think about the
    Sexually Frustrated and Sexually Less Fortunate
    Many people have said that there Needs to be a Redistribution of Sex
    People unable to Get Sex Naturally are
    Human Beings with Feelings
    They are Sexual Beings also
    They Need Sex Also
    And they Deserve Sex Also

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  9. Once Again ,
    Chronic Involuntary Celibacy is an
    Extremely Serious Painful Problem causing Horrible Suffering
    Countless people in America are in
    Desperate Need , Desperate Need of Sex
    America is a Very Evil, Wicked Nation for Making people go without Sex
    For Making people endure a Miserable Sexless Existence
    The Lack of Sexual Freedom in America is Sickening
    America Needs Libertarian Freedom
    . . Cody Edwards typed on the Facebook group titled “Libertarian” with over. 32,000 Members Cody Edwards typed on
    August 11, 2019 ·
    “America isn’t a free country by any means; anyone who is skeptical can drive to a law library and delve into the U. S. Statutes at Large and the Code of Federal Regulations. When one has finished that impossible task, Do the same for the state, The county, And the city. Politicians at all levels of government are all in the business of suppressing your natural rights. There are very few freedoms that Americans retain, But these freedoms are only allowed because they’re beneficial to the state.
    We have the freedom to shop, The freedom to vote, And the freedom to criticize the government, Of course. A functioning economy is necessary in order to have wealth to plunder. Very few will admit that taxes collected are used at least as often against the taxpayer as they are for the taxpayer. We pay taxes to the rulers who in turn use the taxes to harass us when we travel (e. G. Random checkpoints, TSA), To knock down our doors and shoot us if we try to defend ourselves, To surreptitiously monitor our activities (e. G. En masse surveillance), And give children the ultimatum of killing in war or being thrown in a cage.
    Of course, Freedom to vote is important to preserve. After all, It’s a placebo that’s administered to give the masses the illusion that they have some control over what government does. If voting really upset the power structure, It would be prohibited.
    As for speech, Robert Higgs notes in “Neither Liberty Nor Safety, “, “Our government usually allows people the freedom of speech. . . Almost as if the rulers had the wit to follow the advice Vilfredo Pareto once gave to Mussolini: “Let the crows caw, But be indefatigable in repressing [rebellious] deeds! Experience demonstrates that leaders who embark upon this path of censorship find headaches, Rather than benefits.”

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  10. Sexual Deprivation is a Very Serious Painful Problem for Countless people
    Causing Horrible Suffering
    For people unable to Get Sex Naturally
    Sex Robots and Sex Dolls are Not the Answer

    The website has an article by Jacob Sullum on
    June 6, 2013 headlined
    “An odious, unjust Prostitution sting” about the horrible grimy dishonest immoral illegal Entrapment Methods used by the Nassau County Police in New York State, Jacob Sullum is Outraged, he would probably agree that the “Freedom” that exists in America is a Sick Pathetic Joke
    Do a Google search for the article, it’s a Must Read

    The website has an article headlined
    “Constitutional Prostitution”
    A California lawsuit could bring sex work out into the open.
    Do a Google Search, it’s about the Very Real Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of the disabled, and how the United States Constitution Supports the Right to Buy and Sell Sex

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  11. A person typed online in
    July 2023 about the Sufferings of Incels on an Internet Right To Die Group
    “Today I want to talk about the social marginalization and disenfranchisement that us incels suffer on a regula basis, and how pro-euthanasia organizations can help rethink the inceldom situation in general.

    Many essays claim that incels comprise populations of people who suffer from serious emotional distress stemming primarily from mental illness, as well as a serious impairment in establishing social connections. Simply put, incels comprise mostly of people who experience emotional distress and are very, very lonely. I can definitely speak to that from experience.

    It’s important to highlight that the emotional distress and the loneliness that incels suffer is usually as involuntary as is our lack of a sex life.

    Unfortunately, because incels tend to struggle to function at a psychological level and at a social level, we are often pushed (intentionally or not, consciously or subconsciously) to the margins of society as either “unwanted,” “undesirable,” and downright “unappealing” individuals; or simply as second-class citizens- the type to be liked as nothing more than a “good worker,” a “good friend,” or a “good acquaintance” but nothing enough to inspire true passion, ecstasy, devotion, and desire. And this is exactly where our lack of success with sexual pursuits comes from. This fact alone illustrates a very important point: the sexless lives of incels are a side effect of societal stigma towards those of us who display issues with social interaction and emotional resilience.

    Not surprisingly, our difficulties with emotional distress and developing profound connections with others often lead us to suicidal ideation as can be seen in incel forums where numerous posts about suicidal urges are made, and this is where we have two options: to get medical assistance to improve our symptoms of emotional distress and social dysfunction to improve our life outcomes, or to commit suicide. This is where advocacy for euthanasia is particularly crucial: on one hand, studies have shown that anti-depressants, for example, only work in 50% of patients who are prescribed them, meaning that a huge number of consumers do not benefit from them; on the other, clinicians repeatedly state that successful medical intervention to treat mental illness encompasses a combination of psychotherapy and medications. Therefore, it follows that if anti-depressants only work for 50% of consumers, then medicatiom-psychotherapy combination that clinicians prescribe is doomed to fail for the other 50% of consumers, not to mention the fact that anti-depressants take a considerable amount of time to kick in and to tell us if their lack of efficacy is from the medication itself being ineffective, or if the dosage is. Furthermore, treatments like ECT and TMS still fail to work for roughly 20% of people who undergo these treatments. If we combine this shortcomings on medicine’s part with the stories of people living with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, whose medication regimes involve a level of intensity and side-effects about as strong as the symptoms they aim to tame, we can see plain as day that medicine does not have enough to provide for the mentally ill to allow us to have a dignified and happy life.”

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    • The comment from
      July 2023 on the Internet Right To Die Group about Incels continues
      “There’s definitely no shame in trying out the treatments available for the psychological issues like those that us incels face. However, as in my case, where I have tried all of the above treatments and my own emotional distress is still ever present, there comes a point where I, and the incels in my shoes, have to say that “enough” trial and error is “enough,” and that “no” to life means, “no.”

      I want you guys to think about the shameless and pathetic ways in which life apotheosis has driven society to break their own rules:

      -The rule of self-determination: most of society acknowledges women’s freedom to say “no” to an interested man, but if that man is an incel with a plethora of problems caused by his mental illness and difficulty with social interaction says “no” to a life of combined burdens, society refuses to honor that incels’ “no” to life despite ***disenfranchizing*** and ***dehumanizing*** this individual.

      -The rule of allowing yourself to be selfish: While in psychotherapy in the United States, I’ve been taught about the American, highly-individualistic principle of “allowing yourself to be selfish,” that is, to put yourself first, set your own boundaries, live according to your own preferences, and to say “no” to others without hesitation, regardless of how it affects them. However, as soon as an incel with difficult to treat mental illness puts a gun to their head to say “no” to life in order to serve THEIR own best interests, society changes its script from favoring individualist values to collectivist values, frantically begging the suicidal individual to put others first, to live for the sake of others, to do the selfless thing and not the selfish thing. According to these oppressive hypocrites, your right to be selfish ends when you make the choice to take your own life.

      The fact that the general social marginalization of incels, the inefficacy of treatments available for mental illness, and the human body’s resilience to suicide technology are issues outside of anyone’s control, it is important to continue doing our part in advocating for euthanasia for the mentally ill to ensure justice for all, so that women will become less and less plagued a surplus of men that they do not want, and so that us incels who wish to die will no longer inhabit an earth as social marginalized individuals where we are ironically wanted alive for reasons that have more to do with someone else’s benefit than our own.”

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      • The same person in the Right To Die group also typed in a follow up comment about the Countless people unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
        “This is exactly what pisses me off about the United States the most. Putting a john through the criminal system just because they were looking for CONSENSUAL sex. Like consensual sex was a sin to begin with. That’s the puritanical mentality that people in this disgusting country has. And if you combine that with the fact that women tend to feel less attraction towards socially awkward people and tend to marginalize them as does the general population, coupled with the fact that the United States is just as stubborn about voluntary euthanasia for these marginalized individuals that it doesn’t even like, you get a paternalist shithole that is in no way, “by the people, for the people,” but rather, “by bureaucrats, FOR bureaucrats.” These assholes keep us alive against our will because it benefits them in some kind of way and under the bullshit claim that keeping us socially marginalized incels alive against our will is for *our* benefit. Everyone in this group knows that that’s not true at all. Fuck the United States of America and fuck the pro-life assholes that want to keep us incels alive against our will, for their benefit and not ours.”

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  12. For many people with Incel Problems
    For many Incels
    Even in their sleep they are Tormented by Horrible Bad Dreams and Nightmares
    Chronic Long Term
    Involuntary Celibacy Problems are definitely in the Top 5
    Most Serious Problems in America and the World today

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  13. About the Incel Crisis and about the “Freedom” in America
    A Heterosexual Man typed online in 2019
    regarding America and Strip Clubs in America
    “Prostitution should definitely be legal throughout the entire planet. There’s an insane amount of rules at strip clubs depending on the state and depending on the club which is why I stopped going to them like nipples have to be covered by tape, no touching with hands etc”
    Fox News often talks about “Freedom” and
    “Freedoms” in America, What Freedom ?
    Seriously Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies, how is that “Freedom” ?
    A person recently typed online about Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work and the Countless Healthy and Disabled people alike who are Often unable to Get Sex Naturally that
    “Denying people who don’t fit the social desirability spectrum any meaningful opportunity for physical contact is both cruel and dystopian because it perpetuates suffering and strife.”

    A person recently typed on a
    Libertarian Internet Group about how it’s Horribly Unjust that America Forces Countless Millions upon Millions upon Millions of people to go without Sex by Not Making
    Sex Work, Prostitution Legal in Every State that
    “Sick of the anti liberty right puritanical religious nutjobs and the anti liberty left neo puritanical pseudo religious nutjobs.”

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  14. Plus the website has an article headlined
    “Sexual rights and disability” by
    Ezio Di Nucci this article says
    “This paper argues against Appel’s recent proposal—in this journal—that there is a fundamental human right to sexual pleasure, and that therefore the sexual pleasure of severely disabled people should be publicly funded—by thereby partially legalising prostitution. An alternative is proposed that does not need to pose a new positive human right; does not need public funding; does not need the legalisation of prostitution; and that would offer a better experience to the severely disabled: charitable non-profit organisations whose members would voluntarily and freely provide sexual pleasure to the severely disabled.”
    Still Most Americans and Myself agree that Prostitution, Sex Work should be made Legal in Every State, all 50 States of America for All Consenting Adults and at Reasonable Prices
    But also
    charitable non-profit organisations whose members would voluntarily and freely provide sexual pleasure to the severely disabled is a Great idea Also especially for people who have very little money

    Incels are Suffering Unbearably
    Countless people are Suffering from
    Incel , Involuntary Celibacy Problems

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  15. On March 9, 2023
    has an article headlined
    “Rape Rates Go Down as Countries Legalize Prostitution, Rise With Sex Work Prohibition”
    ELIZABETH NOLAN BROWN has an article headlined
    “7 Reasons Why America Should Legalize Prostitution” by
    Erin Fuchs Nov 13, 2013
    Many Studies have Shown that
    Legalized Prostitution greatly Reduces Rape , Sexual Assault and other Tragic Crimes against Women
    Many Scientific Studies and Research has shown that
    Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work greatly Reduces Rape and other Tragic Sexual Assaults and Crimes against Women has an article headlined
    “Legalized Prostitution
    Regulating the Oldest Profession”
    by Mark Liberator Updated: December 8th, 2005
    A long article but Worth Reading

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  16. A woman typed online this June 2024 about Incels and Prostitution, Sex Work
    “Not only should prostitution be legal, it should be funded by the government on a case by case basis depending on the person in needs financial means” & she also typed
    “It should be considered a true profession. And if anything, prostitution done safely should be viewed with kindness, it’s a public service”

    The U.S. Surgeon General and
    CDC , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    Needs to Declare Chronic
    Involuntary Celibacy to be a
    Public Health Crisis
    Because that’s Exactly what it is

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  17. has an article headlined
    “How sex workers can bring much-needed “human happiness” to the disabled”
    Jessie Sage April 11, 2024 has an article headlined
    “The sex workers giving disabled people a chance to live out their dreams”
    by Tuppy Owens
    Wed 10 Apr 2013
    Again, What about Sexual Freedom
    What about Sexual Freedom
    What about Sexual Freedom
    America and certain other Nations Just
    Expects Countless people unable to Get Sex Naturally
    To go for Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades
    Upon Decades upon Decades without Sex
    Countless Healthy and Disabled people alike are unable to Get Sex
    For Various Reasons
    They Deserve Sex Also has an article headlined
    “Medically assisted sex? How ‘intimacy coaches’ offer sexual therapy for people with disabilities”
    Posted: March 29, 2018
    Countless Healthy and Disabled people alike are often
    Unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
    Plus Countless people will become Disabled as they Get Older

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  18. Once Again , it is a Big Deal, a VERY Big Deal , a Very Big Deal
    A Very Big Deal and Very Serious Problem for Countless people
    Wanting Sex , yet being unable to Get it for Various Reasons
    And America denies these Countless Sex Starved people the
    Right to Paid Sex
    America gives the middle finger to Countless Millions upon Millions of Americans who want Sex yet are unable to Get it
    person typed on the Internet Right To Die Group
    “The fact that laws were made controlling our own mortality and our own bodies just confirms how little freedom we actually have.”
    Another person typed in reply
    “So True”

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  19. has an article headlined
    “To Protect Women, Legalize Prostitution”
    Oct 1, 2019 has an article headlined
    “Legalizing prostitution could benefit our communities” by
    Marisa Jordan Galarza, Guest Writer February 25, 2022

    A woman on the Internet Right To Die Group typed the following in response to the man who typed his comment on
    July 4, 2022 about the hideous disgusting lack of Freedom in America :

    “EVERYTHING that —— said, plus:
    Total lack of bodily autonomy.
    1. Prostitution should be decriminalized and treated like every other profession
    2. ABORTION should be legal with easy access for all women.

    Drugs should be decriminalized and regulated.

    The cherry picking of the constitution, just like the Bible.”

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  20. About the Incel Crisis and the Need to
    Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults
    The Future of Freedom Foundation website has an article headlined
    “Legalize Prostitution”
    by Walter Block on
    August 7, 2023 this article says
    “If two unmarried consenting adults have sexual relations with each other, in all states but one (Mississippi) they violate no law. Such an act might be considered immoral by some, but that doesn’t mean that it should be a criminal offense.

    With legalization, rights violations now become the exception, not the rule.
    [Click to Tweet]
    If the man pays the woman for sex with dinners, a movie, flowers, etc. again there is no crime involved, at least not in civilized countries.

    However, if he compensates her for her services in the form of a monetary payment, this is called prostitution and is illegal in most jurisdictions.

    This is more than passing curious. Why should the form of payment play such an important, nay overwhelming, role? Money is purchasing power, more efficient than bartering goods and services, unless the recipient is going to purchase that exact combination of items in any case. For instance, for the price of a movie, dinner and flowers, the woman might prefer a pair of shoes. She could obtain the footwear, but only if she were paid in the form of money.

    But the weirdness does not end there. If money changes hands, it converts an act that would be licit into a crime. The amazing thing is that the act in the two cases is identical. The only difference is the transfer of money.

    The weirdness now escalates to unimaginable heights. Or depths of irrationality. If during this sex act, one for which money duly changes hands, but a camera is employed, then, suddenly, and amazingly, this occurrence then, once again, becomes legal. Well, not exactly legal. Pornography remains illegal, but, as a practical matter, is no longer enforced. Why, you might ask? Please sit down, now, lest you keel over when I answer this question. The response is that this sex act then becomes not one of evil intolerable prostitution, an awful illegal occurrence, but one of pornography, an act of free speech protected by law, or, at least, not enforced by law.

    Are we living in an insane asylum? Sex and nothing but sex? Legal. Sex paid for with movies, dinners, flowers? Again non criminal. The very same act accompanied by monetary payment? A vicious act, prohibited by law, with severe penalties for violators. The same act, once again, money again is transferred from one party to the other, but a camera is utilized to record the goings on? We once again return to the realm not of the legal but of the non-enforced illegal. Preposterous is not too extreme a characterization of this concatenation.

    When prostitution is prohibited by law, it does not disappear. It is not for nothing that it is considered the oldest profession. Rather it is driven underground. The women involved (there are a few male gigolos) are molested and brutalized. When it is legal, as it is in most of Nevada, this changes dramatically. Now, in terms of treatment it becomes similar to other job pursuits.

    With legalization, rights violations now become the exception, not the rule. Have we learned nothing from alcohol prohibition? Under this system, people died from bathtub gin, violence, shootings over turf. Nowadays, under legalization, you go to the supermarket for booze. Let us employ the lessons we should have learned from this episode concerning alcohol to sex between consenting adults.

    Legalize prostitution!”

    This post was written by: Walter Block

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    • Also about the Incel Crisis and the Need to Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work
      In All 50 States of America has an article headlined
      “Prostitution – Heinous Crime or the Government in Your Bedroom?” by
      Relampago Furioso on
      April 13, 2016

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