Shield Alert: Stop David Russell From Being Force Electroshocked


From MindFreedom International: “David Russel is terrified. He is currently a psychiatric prisoner at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and there is a court hearing scheduled for this coming Monday, May 6th, where they are on track to get a court order through a sham legal process to electroshock him against his will. David is terrified because he saw another patient who was electroshocked who now can’t even talk.

They really have David boxed in, taking his rights away through a guardianship/conservatorship and assigning him the same lawyer in both cases, who does nothing on his behalf according to David and as far as we can tell. Having a guardian means David is not allowed to make his own decisions, essentially putting him in the position of a small child with the guardian taking the place of his parents. The Conservator has control of David’s assets, including his income and bank account. David is an employed software engineer and the guardianship/conservatorship is absurd, bud sadly we see this all the time.

He is currently forced to take Zyprexa and has experienced the typical large weight gain associated with it. Zyprexa also dramatically increases the risk of diabetes. Previously, he was forced to take Risperdal, which has caused his breasts to swell up and lactate. This is called gynecomastia and is a well-established consequence of taking Risperdal.

This is all terrible and it would be great for David to be freed, both physically from psychiatric incarceration and forced drugging, and from the guardianship, but right now he desperately wants to avoid being electroshocked.”

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  1. I suggest we ask the “Christians” at Catholic “Charities” and those responsible for forcing this on an unwilling adult intelligent enough to know better than to accept barbaric torture of electroshock…

    “How would Jesus force electroshock on someone who did not want electricity forced into their brains?” “Would Jesus tie the person down while they are in terror, begging for mercy?” “Would he steal their assets under the guise of “care?”

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  2. Hello Dr. Morgan,

    I am writing to respectfully request that you do not force David Russell to undergo electro shock therapy.

    Not only is it unconscionable to force something like that on a person, electroshock has been repeatedly proven to have many bad side effects.

    If you would not undergo this treatment or recommended for a loved one, obviously you should not inflict it on somebody who is not able to advocate for himself.

    Give this man back his agency!

    Urgently, Eliza M

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  3. Hello,
    I’m writing to request you do not force David Russel to undergo shock treatment.
    It’s very damaging and will make the situation worse for everyone involved.
    He is simply requesting a release of information at this time. Respectfully, Please send Mr. Gottstein the Electroshock Petition and sign an Authorization for Release of Information.
    Urgently, Eliza M

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  4. Contact Pope Francis about: also file complaints against the bishops to various places such as or somewhere similar:

    File complaints against:
    1. Bishop Robert Barron, Diocese of Winona-Rochester
    2. John Meyers, Catholic Charities Executive Director
    3. Isaac Landsteiner, Catholic Charities Director of Parish Social Ministry

    File complaints against guardian: and
    4. Mike Hanratty, Guardian/Conservator Program Director

    File a complaint with the judicial board against
    5. District Court Judge Charmaine Sturino

    File complaints with Minnesota medical board against
    6. Dr. Lisa Schock and
    7. Dr. Travis Tomford.

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  5. Mailed via US Postal Service on
    June 27, 2024

    Pope Francis
    His Holiness Pope Francis
00120 Vatican City

    Dear Pope Francis,

    While the church is addressing the abuse of minors and pro-life issues to end abortion, it is not addressing an equally horrible act of torture towards humans called Electroshock. How is shocking someone’s brain with electricity considered “pro-life” if even merely taken out of its usual context? This is electricity being forced into the brain of a human. This is often forced on people who have been deemed mentally “ill.” How would Jesus feel about this? Would Jesus force people to have electricity forced into their brains? No. Jesus was all merciful and kind, and Jesus healed the sick. This is a man-made evil device is being used to torture people.

    I am writing on behalf of all who have suffered from medical so-called professionals “practicing” this barbaric form of torture in the name of healthcare to ask you to intervene on behalf of all and currently one gentleman, Mr. David Russell.

    Mr. Russell is being held at medical facility Mayo Clinic and being forced to have electroshock. He has suffered a blood clot from it, and yet they continue. He has stated and many have written on his behalf to request that the doctors and guardians stop this utter madness, but the sociopaths continue.

    Catholic Charities of Souther Minnesota has been granted protection over Mr. David Russell as guardian, but they have done nothing to protect him. In around 2022, it is published that you appointed Bishop Robert Barron as the ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. Anyone who is ignoring the torture being done to this man and others is not worthy of a position and should immediately be reprimanded and replaced.

    Others who are involved in this are John Meyers, Catholic Charities Executive Director and Isaac Landsteiner, Catholic Charities Director of Parish Social Ministry. They should also be held accountable for crimes against humanity.

    Guardian/Conservator Program Director, Mike Hanratty has been contacted by numerous people and make aware of Mr. David Russell’s wishes and is still forcing this heinous act upon him. Mike Hanratty is the Program Director of Catholic Charities’ euphemistically named “Adult Advocacy Program, and his phone number is 507-424-2270.

    Page 2 for Pope Francis

    Electroshock is medical battery and is an intentional tort. Battery in nursing is a major offense that can lead to profound consequences in damage to a person’s health and life, or even death. Many people who have been electroshocked have died. Battery is the actual, willful touching of a patient without consent that that may or may not result in harm. Any type of touching that a patient considers harmful, or offensive can be considered as battery, even if the action does not result in harm.

    Catholic Social Teaching states, “Only if human rights are protected and responsibilities fulfilled, can the human dignity of persons be respected.” I ask you to oversee and make sure others honor what the Catholic church says they are teaching.

    Many organizations and doctors have concluded Electroshock should be outlawed and can constitute torture: UN Human Rights Council (June 19, 2020) “Mental Health and Human Rights: Resolution 43/13 Adopted 19 June 2020. Geneva: United Nations; UN Human Rights Countil< March 20, 2020. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Publishment: Report of the Special Rapporteur.

    The evils of Dr. Lisa Schak, Dr. Katherine Baicher, Dr. Matthew R. Callstrom, Dr. Rafael Fonseca, Dr. Charanjit S. Rihal are equivalent to the evils of the Holocaust and MUST be stopped. What they are doing is horrific and reprehensible, to say the least.

    Have mercy. Please urgently intervene to help stop the forced Electroshock of Mr. David Russell being held at Mayo Clinic. Please act with haste to intervene and do an investigation.

    Thank you.


    Ms. Note

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