Coroner Issues Warning About Antidepressants After Suicide of Royal’s Husband


From The Guardian: A coroner has issued a warning about the effects of antidepressants prescribed by a Buckingham Palace doctor to the son-in-law of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent before his suicide.

Thomas Kingston, 45, whose marriage to Lady Gabriella at Windsor Castle in 2019 was attended by the late Queen, killed himself last February after “suffering adverse effects of medication he had recently been prescribed”, an inquest found last month.

Giving evidence to the inquest, Dr David Healy, a psychiatric medical expert, said zopiclone could also cause anxiety while sertraline and citalopram were both SSRIs, and essentially the same.

Healy said Kingston’s complaints that sertraline was continuing to make him anxious was a sign SSRIs “did not suit him” and he should not have been prescribed the same thing again.

He said the guidelines and labels for SSRIs were not clear enough about the risks of going on the drugs in the first place or what the effect could be when moving from one to another.

“We need a much more explicit statement saying that these drugs can cause people to commit suicide who wouldn’t have otherwise,” he said.

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  1. “Coroner Issues Warning About Antidepressants After Suicide of Royal’s Husband” – what a cheerful headline. I was being sarcastic, but probably the overwhelming feeling among the British people has been ‘good riddance’. We have way too many absurdities with titles or crowns as it is, some with faces that would frighten the corpses in the mortuary. But it doesn’t cheer me up reading this headline at all: indeed it makes me feel like I too need some antidepressants or some suicide. Anyway, such stories aren’t liable to raise awareness of the issue: rather, they will help to normalize the fact that antidepressants elevate suicide risk, which is the pattern of history if you look at it hence escalating dysfunction, corruption and horror, and truth be told, in time, the fact fact that antidepressants increase suicide risk is likely only to increase there unconscious appeal among psychiatrists, society and even patients alike. And as if the issue of psychiatry and the collapse social and psychological wellbeing is ever going to get the priority it demands considering all the utterly grave and truly existential problems we are facing in our times. Much better to carry on the pattern of history and slough off these sticky lives with pain killing brain killers. Don’t you realize that people in America are so blinded and conditioned that they are more concerned about trivial and petty trends concerning their pay check then anything else in this devastated and destroyed Earth? How much less will they care about those in so much suffering they don’t really have a voice anyway?

    I think chronic psychiatric drug use is more similar to a conventional drug addiction then we realize. They are addicted to the psychological illusion that these drugs are helping, and this illusion boost their psychological energy and resilience in the same way as the belief that they will end up in paradise boosts the energy and resilience of a suicide bomber making their suicide possible. And it’s what every addict does in a way. Society imagines addicts are selfish actors, but it is much easier, cheaper and less trouble to medicate your pain with a drug then it is to invest the time and care into understanding and healing yourself, hence addiction invariably emerges in those with a low self-esteem, even in those who cover it with a big, nasty and defensive ego (this for example Donald Trump as a classic example). If you secretly hate yourself as much as Donald Trump does you’ll gladly give yourself to illusions in order to shelter what you are and will gladly redirect your hatred onto any poor bugger or group who happens to make an easy, convenient or profitable target. Because all this destructive life-activity has unmoored itself from any anchor of truth, he is like a toxic free radical uncontrollably ravaging and destroying a thousand or more whole cells. Free radicals are exactly like evil human beings. They can’t help but shoot around destroying everything in their path like a demonic pinball machine.

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