Update on the Star*D Report

Two months ago, I wrote a post about a New Yorker article that reported that 67% of the depressed patients in the STAR*D trial...

A Schizophrenia Mystery Solved?

One of the enduring mysteries in schizophrenia research circles has been the disparity in outcomes between schizophrenia patients in "developing countries" and those in...

Hypotheses, Scientific Evidence, and On Being Compared to an AIDS Denier

In today’s Boston Globe (April 14), Dr. Dennis Rosen, a pediatric lung and sleep specialist at Children’s Hospital in Boston, reviews my new book,...


The long-term outcomes literature for antipsychotics, which has been compiled over a period of nearly 50 years, consistently tells of drugs that increase the...

Fact Checking the New Yorker, Part Two

In his March 1 article in the New Yorker, Louis Menand wrote that the NIMH's STAR*D trial showed that antidepressants produced a 67% recovery...

Fact Checking the New Yorker

In the March 1 issue of the New Yorker, Louis Menand surveyed the topsy-turvy world of treatments for depression, writing in part of the...