Life on the Ledge

When images of myself climbing over the Golden Gate Bridge’s unmistakable red railing appear on the screen, questions shoot through my mind: Where did this footage come from? Why is it on TV?
A colorful pattern made up of tiny MDMA tablets with various designs

A Win for Science, with Profound Implications for Industry: FDA Rejects MDMA

Concerns, from functional unblinding to sexual assault in the clinical trials, led this week to a full repudiation of Lykos' MDMA-assisted therapy.

Violence Caused by Antidepressants Ignored Once Again by Psychiatrists

Based on RCTs, antidepressants double the risk of harms related to suicidality and violence. Why do psychiatrists ignore this data?

My Story of Surviving Psychiatry

This belief that there was something fundamentally wrong with me reinforced the damage done by repeated experiences of abuse, rejection, and discrimination.

I Am Carmen and I Have PSSD

No one is prepared to have the ability to feel attraction or fall in love taken away from them. I am incapable of what makes humans human: emotions, emotional bonding.
Stock photo of male therapist looking annoyed. Female client on couch

How to Know if You Have an Abusive Therapist

Your therapist is, first and foremost, a regular person. No matter how many degrees, years of training, or fancy certificates, they are still human.

Our Medical System Protects Wrongdoers and Punishes Whistleblowers: An Interview with Carl Elliott

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Carl Elliott about scandals in psychiatry and the challenges faced by whistleblowers.

The Ethics of Antipsychotic Dose Reduction and Patient Rights

New research highlights the ethical responsibilities of clinicians in supporting patients who choose to reduce or discontinue antipsychotic medication.
Illustration of diverse people

Part 4: Neurodiversity: New Paradigm, or Trojan Horse?

Promoters of "neurodiversity" replace existing forms of oppression with new "neuro" versions that still decontextualise our struggles.
Stock photo. Wooden circles with simple faces. One smiling is picked up by fingers.

The Clinical, Social, and Cultural Harm of an Iatrogenic Psychiatry

Normal reactions transformed into illnesses, emotions stripped of meaning, & people deprived of their autonomous coping skills and supports.

Escaping the Hell of Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome

I painfully and gradually learned to function with my dysfunctions. Over time, I noticed genuine improvement.
Black and white photo of a wall with faces on it like masks

We Are Amidst the Age of Behavioral Alchemy

How the Reality Approximation Engine allows us to rethink psychology, mental health care, and perhaps even society.
Black and white photo of a large room with chairs in a circle, striking light and shadow

Trust Among Those People in Prison, Rising From the Borderlands

With a vision to transcend the cycle of incarceration into a restorative model of justice, rituals are integrated alongside acupuncture.
Illustration of diverse people

Part 3: Neuro-Authenticity, Neuro-Identities, and the Neuro-Industry  

The medicalisation of ordinary human existence continues apace, thinly disguised as embracing the authentic self.

The Dying of the Light: Norway’s “Medication-Free” Services for Psychotic Patients Are Fading Away

Despite their successful outcomes, Norwegian non-coercive and medication-free programs are being threatened with closure.

Training Days: Surthriving an Execution, Antidepressants, then Myself — A Cop’s Tale

Recovery from PTSD and from all the drugs I was prescribed was a journey filled with ups and downs, setbacks, and breakthroughs.
Black and white photo of a hand releasing a bird

What Is Beyond a Diagnosis?

One of the counselors at the crisis center asked me a simple but profound question; Are you ready to let go of your story?
Image of the words "Placebo effect" on a green background

The Power of Suggestion and the Problematic Insignificance of Significance 

The power of suggestion: what my experience with hypnotism taught me about the placebo effect.
Illustration of diverse people

Part 2: Are We All Neurodivergent Nowadays?

The unacknowledged politics of neurodiversity: How neoliberalism and exploitation help explain the rise of neurodiversity rhetoric.

Dismissing the “Human Experience”: College Students Feel Unseen by the Medical Model of Mental...

In conversations with college students and recent graduates from across the country and around the world, they described feeling dismissed by views of mental health that narrow their experiences to individual medical problems.

Mood Tracking: My System for Reducing Psychiatric Hospitalizations

Mood tracking can make someone realize: I’m starting to become manic, and this is why, and this is what I can do about it.
Photo of a man dressed in a plain robe doing alchemy with a glass jar over a candle

Theodoric of Arizona: State-Sanctioned Pharma-Based Pseudo-Doctor

I propose Theodoric’s Principle of Medical Advancement: “Medicine has advanced when the old standard of care becomes a joke.” 

Beyond Paternalism or Abandonment in Mental Health Care: An Interview with Neil Gong

Neil Gong exposes the false choice in mental health policy between tolerant containment for the poor and paternalistic surveillance for the rich.
Two women, therapy session

Why Increased Psychological Freedom Should be the Main Goal of Psychotherapy

Insight into the childhood roots of recurring interpersonal problems and better expressive mastery of primal emotions are cornerstones of effective psychotherapy.
Illustration of diverse people

Part 1: Neurodiversity–What Exactly Does It Mean?

The fuzzy concept of neurodivergence has expanded to include almost every human experience, plus its opposite.