A hand holding pills from a pill bottle. Legs in military camo are visible

Risks of Prescribing Psychiatric Drugs to Veterans

I wrote this article because of continued inaction to inform veterans and all Americans of the risk profiles of the drugs theyā€™re prescribed.

Brain Stew: An Interview with Myself

To this day not a single doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, or any other professional has ever even suggested to me that psych meds could potentially be a contributing factor to violence or homicide.
The puppeteer's male hand manipulates the news announcer in the TV

Gigantic Hoax on Danish National TV: ā€œPatients with an ADHD Diagnosis Die Five Years...

Danish TV issues a correction after learning that this purported study doesn't exist.

Why Does a Parent Medicate a Child? An Interview with My Mother

When Brooke Siem was 15 years old, her father died. Her mother, Dee Barbash, sought help for her daughter that led to a prescription for a psychiatric drug. In this interview, they look back on that fateful decision.
Older adult sitting with a blanket in lap, holding the hand of someone else out of frame

Preventing Suicide Among Older Adults

In an ideal world, the goal would be to have interconnected, trauma-informed, ā€œhelpingā€ communities to prevent suicide in older adults.

Study Finds Over 25% of Antidepressant Prescriptions Given to High-Risk, Long-Term Users

A new article published in BMC Medicine finds that antidepressant use in two Scottish regions increased 27% between 2012 and 2019. The current work,...
Family silhouettes against a green and yellow background of a tree

SAFE: Survivors And Families Empoweredā€”An Update

We hope to combat the increasing reliance on force, too often used with the justification ā€œfor your own good.ā€
spiritual awakening

The Aggressive Suppression of Spiritual Awakening

As they handed her hospital pajamas, similar to the orange prison suits you see on TV, she suddenly understood how little these people could help.
Pop art style. Two workers carry a bandaged brain on a stretcher.

What Helped and What Hindered My Recovery from PSSD and Protracted Withdrawal from Antidepressants?

To recover from protracted withdrawal, I did everything I could to survive the process and help my body and mind heal.

From Freud to Fanon: How Daniel Gaztambide is Redefining Psychoanalytic Practice

In this interview, Daniel Gaztambide discusses how decolonial perspectives can transform psychoanalytic practice.
An orange and an apple with faces facing toward each other. Each have mold growing in different areas.

Is Mental Health a Choiceā€”and Can Understanding Help Us Heal?

Thereā€™s a pattern and a purpose to what the mind does. You canā€™t change it, you have to understand it.

Antidepressants Linked to Lasting Sexual Dysfunction, Study Finds

New research highlights the challenges in quantifying the prevalence of Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD), a condition that continues to affect patients long after they stop taking antidepressants.
Black and white photo of a confused mob of people with one serene face in the middle

Right-Wing or Left-Wing: Who Really Owns the Critique of Over-Medicalisation?

Left-wing critique has always challenged powerful vested interests that prefer not to be disturbed.

Go Where You Are Watered

It is now five years after I had the courage to take hold of my own destiny. To not let people make me feel like I was less-than due to a diagnosis.
Line art of a person smiling; abstract orange and yellow blocks

How to Be a Happy, Successful Incurable Schizophrenic

If you are a young schizophrenic, I encourage you to accept the challenge of leading a happy, productive, meaningful life.

ADHD Drugs Linked to Psychosis and Mania

In one analysis, those on a high dose of prescription amphetamines were more than 13 times more likely to develop psychosis/mania.

Faith Healing in India: An Ancient Way of Tending to Madness

In contrast to the colonial legacy of medical psychiatry in India, indigenous and faith healing methods emphasize the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit, using rituals, storytelling, and communal support to create a holistic healing environment.

On Not Becoming David Foster Wallace

I didn't know Wallace was a poster boy for antidepressant withdrawal because I didn't know that antidepressant withdrawal was common, or that I would be experiencing it myself.
Two similar looking men flexing muscles in black and white

The Long-Disputed Science of Twin Studies

Twin studies and heritability estimates are used in support of biological determinism and in defense of the global inequality status quo.
Doctor looking frustrated raising hands behind a desk with piles of paper

STAR*D: The Harms of Orchestrated Psychiatric Fraud

STAR*Dā€™s results are too bitter a pill for psychiatric leaders to swallow, so they have chosen to become a rogue medical specialty.

Antidepressant Withdrawal: A Psychiatrist’s 30-Year Challenge to Conventional Wisdom

For thirty years, Dr. Giovanni Fava has sounded the alarm on the long-term effects of antidepressants and the risks of withdrawal, pushing back against pharmaceutical narratives.
Miniature people walk in circles atop a pie graph

Human Suffering as Numbers and Graphs: The Problem with Measuring Outcomes in Therapy

Outcome monitoring is a product of bureaucratic healthcare: Human suffering reduced to efficiency optimization.

Antidepressant Withdrawal Commonly Misdiagnosed as ā€œMental Illnessā€

A new study reveals that more than two-thirds of patients experiencing antidepressant withdrawal were misdiagnosed with psychiatric disorders.

MindFreedom’s Shield Program: Working to Free People from Psychiatric Incarceration and Forced Treatment

ā€œWe need the MindFreedom Shield to have someone in our corner when we are told that it doesn't matter what we want, that someone else can make a choice about our bodies that we will have to live with for the rest of our lives.ā€