MIA podcast: science

A specific category for podcast interviews contributed by the news and science team

Why Some Experts and Patients Want to Rename Schizophrenia: Interview with Raquelle Mesholam-Gately and...

MIA interviews Matcheri Keshavan and Raquelle Mesholam-Gately on their research with service users and consumers on renaming schizophrenia.

The Making of a ‘Madness’ That Hides Our Monsters: An Interview with Audrey Clare...

In this interview, Audrey Clare Farley reveals how our understanding of schizophrenia was built to avoid acknowledging sexual trauma, religious abuse, and racism.

Bringing Human Rights to Mental Health Care: An Interview with UN Envoy Dainius Pūras

MIA's Ana Florence interviews United Nations Special Rapporteur Dainius Pūras about his own journey as a psychiatrist and the future of rights-based approaches to mental health.
Helena Hansen

Combatting Structural Racism and Classism in Psychiatry: An Interview with Helena Hansen

MIA interviews psychiatrist and anthropologist Helena Hansen about bringing structural competency to psychiatry while rebuilding communities.

False Positives in Brain Imaging, Unpublished and Missing Trials, and Conflicts of Interest

In our Science News podcast, Peter Simons reports on false positives in brain imaging, unpublished and missing trials, conflicts of interest and more.

Psychiatry and the Selves We Might Become: An Interview with Sociologist Nikolas Rose

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews the well-known sociologist of medicine, Nikolas Rose, about the role psychiatry plays in shaping how we manage ourselves and our world.

Learning a Different Way: An Interview with Maori Psychiatrist Diana Kopua

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Diana Kopua about the Mahi a Atua approach, the global mental health movement, and the importance of language and narratives in how we understand our world and ease our suffering.

Responsibility Without Blame in Therapeutic Communities: Interview with Philosopher Hanna Pickard

Hanna Pickard on the elusive middle ground between personal responsibility and systemic factors in our understandings of addiction.

Mental Health and Emotion in the Digital Age: An Interview with Ian Tucker

MIA's Tim Beck interviews psychologist Ian Tucker about the relationships between digital technologies, emotion, and mental health.

Moving Mental Health Work Away from Diagnosis: Sarah Kamens and Peter Kinderman on New...

MIA's Justin Karter interviews two leaders of the Task Force on Diagnostic Alternatives, a group of mental health professionals who have issued an open letter demanding a new look at psychiatric diagnosis.

“Making a Silk Purse Out of a Sow’s Ear”: Erick Turner on How Publication...

Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Erick Turner about publication bias in antidepressant trials, compromised psychotherapeutic research, and a culture of journal worship.

Climate Change, Mental Health and Collective Action: An Interview with Jennifer Freeman

In an interview with MIA's Akansha Vaswani, narrative therapist Jennifer Freeman calls for a shift away from individualistic approaches to 'eco-anxiety' and toward responses that connect us all to a counter-tsunami of action for the planet.

Getting Pharma Out of Medical Education: An Interview with Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman

MIA's Gavin Crowell-Williamson interviews PharmedOut founder Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman about Big Pharma's influence on medical education.

Undisclosed Financial Conflicts of Interest in the DSM-5: An Interview with Lisa Cosgrove and...

On the Mad in America podcast we talk with Lisa Cosgrove and Brian Piper about their BMJ paper entitled "Undisclosed Financial Conflicts of Interest in the DSM-5 TR: Cross-Sectional Analysis"

Dr. George Atwood: Shattered Worlds, the Experience of Personal Annihilation

Dr. George Atwood has devoted a substantial part of his life to the study and treatment of what he refers to as ‘so-called psychosis’ and has authored or coauthored several books, including The Abyss of Madness published in 2011 and more than one hundred articles.

From Freud to Fanon: How Daniel Gaztambide is Redefining Psychoanalytic Practice

In this interview, Daniel Gaztambide discusses how decolonial perspectives can transform psychoanalytic practice.

Can We Move Toward Mindful Medicine? An Interview with Integrative Psychiatrist Natalie Campo

MIA's Madison Natarajan interviews Natalie Campo about integrative psychiatry and holistic approaches to drug tapering and withdrawal.

Rethinking Suicide Prevention: An Interview on Critical Suicide Studies with Jennifer White

MIA’s Samantha Lilly interviews critical youth suicidologist Jennifer White about what suicide prevention could look like outside of the medical model.

Fighting for the Meaning of Madness: An Interview with Dr. John Read

Akansha Vaswani interviews Dr. John Read about the influences on his work and his research on madness, psychosis, and the mental health industry.

Can Critiques of Psychiatry Help us Imagine a Post-Capitalist Future? An Interview with Hans...

An interview with Hans Skott-Myhre on the seeds of post-capitalist subjectivity to be found in the writing of Franco Basaglia and R.D. Laing.

Branding Diseases—How Drug Companies Market Psychiatric Conditions: An Interview with Ray Moynihan

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Ray Moynihan about the marketing of disorders, broadening of diagnoses, and harmful treatments.

WHO and the Sea Change in Mental Health: Interview with Michelle Funk

MIA's Ana Florence interviews Michelle Funk about her leadership of the new WHO guidelines on rights-based mental health.

Psychedelics, Transformative Experiences and Healing: An Interview with Katrina Michelle

Richard Sears interviews transpersonal psychologist Katrina Michelle about harm reduction practices with psychedelics in therapy.

MDMA Assisted Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Humility: An Interview with Marcela Ot’alora

Richard Sears interviews Marcella Ot’alora, therapist and principal investigator for MAPS MDMA-assisted psychotherapy.

Toward a Critical Self-Reflective Psychiatry: An Interview with Pat Bracken

MIA’s Justin Karter interviews critical psychiatrist and philosopher Pat Bracken about the necessity of challenging received wisdom.