MIA podcast: science

A specific category for podcast interviews contributed by the news and science team

Deprescribing Psychiatric Drugs to Reduce Harms and Empower Patients: Interview with Psychiatrist Swapnil Gupta

Ayurdhi Dhar interviews psychiatrist Swapnil Gupta on psychiatric drug discontinuation, drug cocktail risks, patient choice, and the need for trust and transparency.

Undisclosed Financial Conflicts of Interest in the DSM-5: An Interview with Lisa Cosgrove and...

On the Mad in America podcast we talk with Lisa Cosgrove and Brian Piper about their BMJ paper entitled "Undisclosed Financial Conflicts of Interest in the DSM-5 TR: Cross-Sectional Analysis"

The Psychological Humanities Manifesto: An Interview with Mark Freeman

Justin Karter interviews narrative and philosophical psychologist Mark Freeman about his vision for the future of psychology.

Peer-Support Groups Were Right, Guidelines Were Wrong: Dr. Mark Horowitz on Tapering Off Antidepressants

In an interview with MIA, Dr. Horowitz discusses his recent article on why tapering off antidepressants can take months or even years.

How Mad Studies and the Psychological Humanities are Changing Mental Health: An Interview with...

In this interview with MIA's Justin Karter, psychiatrist Bradley Lewis discusses the value of art, the humanities, and mad studies in shaping a richer understanding of psychological experiences.

Branding Diseases—How Drug Companies Market Psychiatric Conditions: An Interview with Ray Moynihan

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Ray Moynihan about the marketing of disorders, broadening of diagnoses, and harmful treatments.

The Making of a ‘Madness’ That Hides Our Monsters: An Interview with Audrey Clare...

In this interview, Audrey Clare Farley reveals how our understanding of schizophrenia was built to avoid acknowledging sexual trauma, religious abuse, and racism.

Psychology: Flawed as a Science and as Evidence-Based Medicine

Peter Simons covers a paper arguing that “psychology is fundamentally incompatible with hypothesis-driven theoretical science,” another paper finding that evidence-based medicine is more corporate gimmick than reliable science, a study that found psychiatrists deliver the worst-quality healthcare of any medical specialty, and more!

Feminism, Psychoanalysis and Critical Psychology: An Interview with Bethany Morris

MIA's Micah Ingle interviews Bethany Morris about the psychoanalytic study of film and the history of the "monstrous feminine" in psychiatry.

When Psychology Speaks for You, Without You: Sunil Bhatia on Decolonizing Psychology

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Sunil Bhatia about decolonizing psychology, confronting the field’s racist past, colonial foundations, and neoliberal present.

The Radical Politics of Madness: An Interview with Micha Frazer-Carroll

MIA's Justin Karter interviews Micha Frazer-Carroll about her new book, "Mad World: The Politics of Mental Health."

Looking Beyond Self-Help to Understand Resilience: An Interview with Michael Ungar

Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Michael Ungar about how complex systems make us vulnerable and how resilience emerges in context-specific ways.

How Culture Influences Voice Hearing: An Interview with Stanford Anthropologist Tanya Luhrmann

Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Tanya Luhrmann about cultural differences in voice-hearing, diagnosis and damaged identities, and conflicts in psychiatry.

When Healing Looks Like Justice: An Interview with Harvard Psychologist Joseph Gone

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Joseph Gone about how a history of dispossession, conquest, and colonization shapes mental health outcomes in Native American communities.

Fighting for the Meaning of Madness: An Interview with Dr. John Read

Akansha Vaswani interviews Dr. John Read about the influences on his work and his research on madness, psychosis, and the mental health industry.

Psychiatry and the Selves We Might Become: An Interview with Sociologist Nikolas Rose

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews the well-known sociologist of medicine, Nikolas Rose, about the role psychiatry plays in shaping how we manage ourselves and our world.

Climate Change, Mental Health and Collective Action: An Interview with Jennifer Freeman

In an interview with MIA's Akansha Vaswani, narrative therapist Jennifer Freeman calls for a shift away from individualistic approaches to 'eco-anxiety' and toward responses that connect us all to a counter-tsunami of action for the planet.

Bridging Critical and Conceptual Psychiatry: An Interview with Awais Aftab

MIA’s Justin Karter interviews psychiatrist Awais Aftab about how “conceptual competence” uses philosophy to transform psychiatry.

Uncomfortable Truths in Survivor Narratives: An Interview with Helen Spandler

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Helen Spandler about how psychiatric survivors challenge and change our thinking about mental health.
Helena Hansen

Combatting Structural Racism and Classism in Psychiatry: An Interview with Helena Hansen

MIA interviews psychiatrist and anthropologist Helena Hansen about bringing structural competency to psychiatry while rebuilding communities.

Rethinking Suicide Prevention: An Interview on Critical Suicide Studies with Jennifer White

MIA’s Samantha Lilly interviews critical youth suicidologist Jennifer White about what suicide prevention could look like outside of the medical model.

How Grief Became a Disorder and What This Means About Us: An Interview with...

MIA’s Zenobia Morrill interviews psychologist Kaori Wada about what the creation of Prolonged Grief Disorder reveals about our culture and the current status of psychology.

Addressing the Roots of Racial Trauma: An Interview with Psychologist Lillian Comas-Díaz

MIA’s Hannah Emerson interviews Comas-Díaz on the need for culturally competent care in a medicalized and individualistic society.
Bruce Cohen

The Failings of “Mental Health”: How a Seemingly Benign Concept Might be Dangerous

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Bruce Cohen about dismissive psychiatrists, pervasive psychiatry, and the field's ties to neoliberal capitalism.

How Western Psychology Can Rip Indigenous Families Apart: An Interview with Elisa Lacerda-Vandenborn

An interview with Elisa Lacerda-Vandenborn about the consequences \psychology and mental health treatment can have for indigenous children.