Mental Health Professionals Critique the Biomedical Model of Psychological Problems
While a great deal of the excitement about advances in psychological treatments comes from the potential for research in neuroscience to unlock the secrets of the brain, many mental health experts would like to temper this enthusiasm. A special issue of the Behavior Therapist released this month calls into question the predominant conception of mental illnesses as brain disorders.
Matt Samet: Climbing Out of Benzo Madness
Rock climber, author, and MIA Blogger Matt Samet discusses his experience becoming addicted to, and subsequently coming off of, benzodiazepines.
Leah Harris: A Legacy of Psychiatric Diagnosis
MIA blogger and mental health advocate Leah Harris discusses growing up with parents diagnosed with schizophrenia, her personal experience with the psychiatric system, and psychiatric drugs.
Videos from the 2014 “Transforming Mad Science and Re-Imagining Mental Health Care” ISEPP/UCLA Conference
The joint ISEPP/UCLA conference was held in Los Angeles on November 14-16, 2014. Today, ISEPP and the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs are delighted to bring you videos of 13 of the 15 invited plenary talks. Each video is accompanied by a crisply written interview with the speaker, focusing on the goals of their work, challenges facing their profession, and how they evaluate any salient changes in mental health practice and research. These smartly produced and edited videos range from 20 to 30 minutes in length and are freely available on
Bruce Levine – Long Bio
Bruce E. Levine, PhD, is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Cincinnati, Ohio. His latest book is Get Up, Stand Up: Uniting Populists,...
Olga Runciman – Long Bio
Olga Runciman is an international trainer and speaker as well as writer, campaigner and artist. She sees the hearing...
Faith Rhyne – Long Bio
Faith Rhyne is a parent, educator, and a radical mental health activist. She became interested in psychology and psychiatry at age 13,...
Jack Carney – Long Bio
Jack Carney has been a practicing social worker for over forty years. His recent retirement from FEGS, a large New York social...
Transforming Mad Science and Re-Imagining Mental Health Care Videos Released
This morning, released thirteen 20-30 minute video presentations from the 2014 International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry (ISEPP) conference at UCLA. The videos include presentations by Bonnie Burstow, Laura Delano, Allen Frances , David Healy, Peter Gøtzsche, Pascal-Henri Keller, John Read, Tomi Gomory, Shannon Hughes, Jeffrey Lacasse, David Cohen, François Gonon, Jonathan Leo, Peter Whitehouse, Robert Whitaker, and Keith Hoeller.