Kids Are Not the Problem: An Interview With Gretchen LeFever Watson

In this interview, Brooke Siem, who is the author of a memoir on antidepressant withdrawal, May Cause Side Effects, interviews Gretchen LeFever Watson, PhD. Gretchen...

‘Sacred Conversations’: A Talk with Susan Swim and a Father Whose Daughter Found Healing

We have two guests today. One is Susan Swim, executive director of the Now I See A Person Institute, which she created in 2007...

Embrace the Messiness! An Interview with Pediatrician Claudia Gold

An interview with Claudia Gold, M.D., pediatrician, infant-parent mental health specialist, author, teacher, and speaker based in western Massachusetts. We discuss the importance of human interaction in child development.

Sam Himelstein ā€“ The Impact of COVID-19 and Social Distancing on Adolescents

Psychologist Sam Himelstein, PhD, talks about the impact of the coronavirus crisis and ā€œsocial distancingā€ policies on adolescents, taking a look at the unique needs of teenagers and young adults and the challenges they may present for parents, caregivers, and other family members.

Ben Furman – Understanding and Dealing With Adolescent Rage

A podcast interview with Finnish psychiatrist Ben Furman in which he discusses adolescent rage and how parents can come to understand and deal with teenagers and young adults who are angry and explosive.

New Tools to Support New Moms: An Interview with Jennifer Barkin, PhD

A maternal mental health expert shares how perinatal stress and the climate crisis are affecting womenā€™s everyday lives.

“Pollution’s Mental Toll”: A Talk with Journalist Kristina Marusic

The reporter explains how air and water pollution affect our brains, why children are so vulnerable, and what to do about it.

What If This Pandemic Is the Best Thing to Happen to Children with Challenges?

Families may be worried that the stress of lockdown may aggravate their childā€™s struggles. Yet, we hear some parents say the situation has changed their child for the better. Why might that be? In this interview, Dr. Nicole Beurkens talks about the impact of ā€œquarantine lifeā€ on children with different types of behavioral, emotional, and neurodevelopmental challenges.

The Path from Trauma to The Power of Nature: An Interview with Banning Lyon

Our guest today is Banning Lyon, author of The Chair and The Valley: A Memoir of Trauma, Healing, and The Outdoors. An account of...

Mo Hannah: Changing the Teaching of the Biological Model

Maureen Hannah, a Professor of Psychology at Siena College, New York, tells of experiences with the psychiatric system, both personally and professionally, and how poor care in the mental health system led to an unexpected and devastating family loss.

How Western Psychology Can Rip Indigenous Families Apart

An interview with Elisa Lacerda-Vandenborn about the consequences psychology and mental health treatment can have for indigenous children.

Family Panel Discussion – Supporting a Child, Teen, or Young Person in Crisis

Supporting a Child, Teen, or Young Person in Crisis - Our guest panel, Ciara Fanlo, Morna Murray and Sami Timimi join host Amy Biancolli to share stories of crisis but also stories of healing and of hope.

For the Love and Care of the People: An Interview with Vanessa Green on...

An interview with Vanessa Green, executive director of Call BlackLine a nationally recognized hotline serving BIPOC and LGBTQI communities.

‘It Was a Joint Effort’: Deborah Kasdan on Bringing Her Late Sister’s Story to...

Author Deborah Kasdan discusses her memoir of her late sister, "Roll Back The World."

Conveying Hope, Empowering Teens: An Interview With Jessica Schleider

Clinical psychologist Jessica Schleider is founding director of the Lab for Scalable Mental Health, researching single-session interventions.

Mad Sisters: An Interview With Susan Grundy

Susan Grundy on her lifelong caregiving journey for an older sister diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 13.