Lawyers Starting to Blame Military’s Psychotropic Drugs For Aberrant Behavior

Military psychiatrists and judges are beginning to see the effects of an eightfold increase of SSRI use in the military since 2005, according to...

Benzodiazepine & SSRI Addiction and Withdrawal

The May issue of Addiction includes a review of pharmacological and phenomenological issues around benzodiazepine (BZD) and SSRI discontinuation.  Definitions, perceptions and management of the...

Overprescribing of Benzodiazepines

Norwegian researchers found that 14.6% (27,861) of patients who were prescribed benzodiazepines used two simultaneously, despite the fact that all benzodiazepines have essentially the...

Benzodiazepines: How They Work and How to Withdraw

Protocol for the Treatment of Benzodiazepine Withdrawal, written by Dr. C. Heather Ashton ("The Ashton Manual"), published and available free of charge on This...

U.K. based website focussing on benzodiazepine addiction, withdrawal & recovery.

Discontinuing Psychotropics Reduces Falls in Elderly

Australian researchers look at the literature on the effect of psychotropics on falls in the elderly; largest effect of any randomized trial was achieved...

A Rorschach Test for Psych Drugs

On October 23, the New York Times ran a very nice feature story about a Los Angeles woman, Keris Myrick, who, even though she...