Tag: auditory hallucinations

Study Examines Voice Hearing Accounts of 499 Nonclinical Individuals

Researchers look at voice hearing experiences shared by nonclinical samples, exploring these experiences in the general population.

Research Is Shedding New Light on Hearing Voices

From Psychology Today: Although auditory hallucinations are commonly thought of as a sign of mental illness, research shows that hearing voices is common among the general population...

Hearing Voices May Actually Be a Good Thing

From CBS Denver: A new study suggests that people who hear voices may have an increased ability to decode complex sound waves. "The scientists studied a...

“People with Schizophrenia Hear Voices- Their Own”

For Slate, Eliezer Sternberg outlines research suggesting that auditory hallucinations are actually “subvocal speech” produced by the patient themselves. When a schizophrenic patient hears...