Tag: autism spectrum disorder

How and Why Neurotypicals Misunderstand and Mistreat Autistic People

Commonly used autism interventions, such as ABA, have been found to be both ineffective and abusive, inflicting trauma on those subjected to them.

No, Autism Is Not Over-Diagnosed

Autism is an umbrella diagnosis at this point. The broadness of the diagnosis doesn’t tend to be useful to clinicians. But it is very useful to the individuals who live with it.

Insane Medicine, Chapter 4: The Manufacture of Autism Spectrum Disorders (Part...

Because the “scientists” who study, categorise, and establish guidelines for autism can’t find anything definitive, they resort to scientism. Over time, it becomes part of our cultural “common sense.”

Yoga and Mindfulness Benefit Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder

A new review finds preliminary evidence for yoga and mindfulness-based interventions for youth diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).