Tag: big pharma and lobbying
Jon JureidiniâEvidence-Based Medicine in a Post-Truth World
In this interview, Jon Jureidini talks about the issues with evidence-based medicine and describes what led to the debasement of a system originally conceived to challenge extravagant claims and poor science.
Drugmaker Group Sets Lobbying Record
From Bloomberg: The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) spent $9.96 million on federal lobbying in the first three months of 2018, representing an...
Report on How Much Congressmen are Getting From Pharma
From MedCityNews: This year, under the threat of legislation that may reduce drug prices, address the opioid crisis, and repeal and replace the Affordable Care...
âPharma Executives Worry About Presidential Candidates Demanding Reformâ
Reporting for The Intercept, Lee Fang reveals that pharma executives "have told investors that they are working actively to influence the political debate.â After...