Tag: female gender and over diagnosis
It’s Time Psychiatrists Stopped Stereotyping Women With Personality Disorders
From The Independent: Taming the Beast Within, a new book on personality disorder diagnosis, has just been released. It features a small faceless monster...
“Brains Aren’t Actually ‘Male’ or ‘Female,’ New Study Suggests”
New research on gender and the brain found that only a very small number of people have brains that are “entirely male, female, or intermediate between the two.” “The vast majority,” they write, have “a mosaic.”
More Than Two-Thirds of Antidepressants Prescribed Against Guidelines
Results of a new study reveal that sixty-nine percent, or more than two-thirds, of patients prescribed antidepressant drugs have never, in their medical history, met the criteria for major depression. The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry this month, also found that several demographic factors, like race and gender, were associated with the prescription of antidepressants.