Tag: Milgram experiments

Situationism in Psych: Milgram & Stanford Prison Experiments

This episode of the podcast The Partially Examined Life explores the way that Stanley Milgram's experiments on obedience and Philip Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiment show that...

Infamous 1960s Study Repeated: How far Would you go to Obey?

From Live Science: Stanley Milgram's infamous experiments on the science of obedience to authority figures were recently repeated with very similar results. Participants showed a high...

“How Nazi’s Defense of ‘Just Following Orders’ Plays Out in the...

For PBS NewsHour, Joshua Barajas reports on a “modern day Milgram experiment,” which shows that people obeying commands feel less responsible for their actions....

The Psychology of Torture

“An ordinary person becomes a torturer with surprising ease. The hard part comes when it’s time to be human again,” neuroscientist Shane O’Mara writes...