Tag: mindfulness and veterans

That Others May Live: An Airmanā€™s Mental Health and Medication Hurricane

ā€œThese things we do, so others may live.ā€ It took a small army of my brothers and sisters in and out of uniform to drag me out of my abyss.

Non-Medical Treatments for PTSD Effective, Study Suggests

Group-based MBSR and PCGT therapies effective as a complementary treatment for PTSD.

“Can Mindfulness Help Treat PTSD?”

University of California Berkely'sĀ Greater Good Science Center reports a study that finds "adding mindfulness to traditional therapy could be beneficial for soldiers with PTSD." Article...

ā€œBrain Changes Seen in Veterans with PTSD after Mindfulness Trainingā€

Veterans with PTSD experience observable changes to the brain after mindfulness training, according to new research published inĀ Depression and Anxiety. ā€œThe brain findings suggest...