Tag: polypharmacy risks
Lindsay Clancy, Who Killed Her Three Children, Was on Three Antidepressants
From The Boston Globe.
"A hearing is scheduled in Plymouth Superior Court Friday where Lindsay Clancy is being prosecuted for murdering her three children in...
Mental Hell-Care: My Sibling’s Story
Doctors refuse to believe psychiatric medications have caused my sibling, Pat, any harm. Over a three-year period, however, Pat's insurance companies have paid out more than one million dollars to warehouse Pat and to provide "treatment" that has caused complete disability.
1 in 12 Kids on Mult. Meds. at Risk for a...
From ABC News: "Among those using multiple medications, one in 12 was at risk for a major drug interaction, and the vast majority of...
My Polypharmacy Predicament
Ironically, my post-traumatic stress disorder no longer stems from the events that led to my hospitalizations, but from the maltreatment I received within the hospitals. Now, every time I take my medication late or miss a dose, I feel the unsettling presence of dissociation creeping in, the terrifying panic of losing my mental bearings and being rehospitalized.
Polypharmacy is Compounding the Opioid Epidemic
From The Lown Institute: The recent deaths of several beloved musicians, actors, and other public figures have brought to light the dangers of taking multiple, potentially fatal drugs.
People Are Dying Prematurely Due to Polypharmacy
Our son, Mark, is an example of the deadly effects of polypharmacy. He died at the young age of 46 and his death was caused by toxicity/cardiac failure from two of the five medications he was taking, at higher than recommended doses, as prescribed by his psychiatrist.
The “Shotgun Method” – A Story of Mental Health Crisis in...
"Let's try the shotgun method," my psychiatrist said — meaning that you load the gun with a bunch of pellets and hope that one of them hits the target. I went through 16 different psychiatric medications in five years, and they were not the right choice for me.
Autism’s Drug Problem
From Scientific American: Many autistic children are prescribed multiple psychiatric medications, which can lead to serious adverse effects and are often ineffective.
"Multiple diagnoses lead to...
“The Dangers of ‘Polypharmacy,’ the Ever-Mounting Pile of Pills”
In the New York Times, Paula Span discusses the risks of polypharmacy, the use of five or more drugs at the same time, which...