Tag: psychiatric abuse

Torture at Lake Alice “Hospital”, New Zealand

Lake Alice was a psychiatric institution in New Zealand connected with hundreds of reported abuses, especially of children. A new Royal Commission evidence-gathering hearing is set for this year.

Peter Breggin and Michael Cornwall – Stop the Psychiatric Abuse of...

An interview with Drs. Peter Breggin and Michael Cornwall who discuss their new initiative, Stop the Psychiatric Abuse of Children (SPAC!). SPAC! was formed in response to the introduction of the Monarch eTNS, an electrical stimulation device worn on a childā€™s forehead at night that was fast-tracked by FDA with little testing.

ā€œHow Long a Timeā€: Ten Cold Hard Truths For Ending Psychiatric...

Here are theĀ Ten Cold Hard TruthsĀ we must ALL confront in our organizing efforts. If we fail to understand and grasp these truths we will ALL be susceptible to ā€œburnoutā€ and/or a slide into dead-end reformist type strategies that will only derail our efforts to reach the day when we can truly end all forms of psychiatric abuse.

Rewriting the Narrative on Psych Ward Abuse in Journalism

From Paginated Thoughts: The usual journalistic narrative about abuse in psychiatric wards focuses on funding and staffing shortages, as well as overcrowding and bed...

“94 Psychiatric Patients in South Africa Died of Negligence, Report Finds”

The New York Times reportsĀ on theĀ findings of a South African government investigation that determinedĀ that "94 psychiatric patients died of negligence last year after being...

Off Psychiatric Drugs After Fourteen Years

I have hopes for the field of psychiatry. I hope the field will redeem itself, and redeem its practitioners, because they do have clinical skill and the opportunity to learn more and grow. Many of them, I believe, were just taught bad science, influenced and infiltrated by Big Pharma.