Tag: psychosis research
What Are Best Practices For Psychosis And What Gets In The...
Research investigates clinicians’ perspectives on best care practices and the complicated realities of providing care in the face of agency limitations and mechanized interventions.
Researchers Explore the Relationship Between Spiritual Emergence, Psychosis and Personality
Request for research participants on behalf of researchers at the School of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, University of New England, Australia.
The research aims to...
Family Oriented, Home-Based Treatment Best for Youth with Symptoms of Psychosis
A pathbreaking new study out of Finland suggests that early intervention programs for youth experiencing psychotic-like symptoms may see the greatest improvement when treatment works within the home rather than in a hospital setting. The research, to be published in next month’s issue of Psychiatry Research, found greater improvement in functioning, depression, and hopelessness among teens in a new need-adapted Family and Community oriented Integrative Treatment Model (FCTM) program.