Tag: treatment guidelines

Treatment Guidelines Should Not Be Written by Professional Societies and Insiders

John Ioannidis, a leading expert on research methods, takes a critical look at the way professional societies write treatment guidelines.

Where Did the Guidelines Go?

From The Lown Institute: "For twenty years, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality maintained a digital archive of medical guidelines as a resource for...

Can You Rely on the Drugs That Your Doctor Prescribes?

From The Conversation: "One of the authors of this article (Joel Lexchin) was part of a study that looked at FCOI in Canadian medical guidelines....

Petition: Protect PTSD Treatments That Work!

The American Psychological Association recently issued a guideline recommending only short-term, structured, and symptom-focused therapies for the treatment of PTSD; the guideline may be...

Treatment Guidelines Downplay Antidepressant Dependence

A review of treatment guidelines published in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics found that guidelines “shy away from stating clearly that SSRIs/SNRIs, like BDZs, are often (though...