Tag: Voice Hearing Groups

Hearing Voices: Let the Community Lead

A collective knowledge of lived experience is a straightforward answer for improving millions of lives, but it has become clear that it will take an organized community of voice-hearers and their allies to take back credibility and authorship on the narrative of our own lives.

Normalizing the Voices in Our Heads

From CFJC Today: "Hearing voices is often regarded as a sign of mental illness. But maybe voices are just part of a spectrum. Professor T....

Becoming a Hearing Voices Facilitator

For three days in December, I was fortunate enough to attend the Hearing Voices Facilitator Training held in Portland, OR. This training expanded my understanding of the voice hearing experience and equipped me with a number of tools to use in facilitating hearing voices support groups. Grounded in a feeling of community, the training was dynamic, emotionally therapeutic, and educational all at the same time – a crystal clear example of how support groups themselves might manifest in the lives of their members.