“A Compassionate Approach Leads to More Help, Less Punishment”


“Published in the journal PLoS ONE, a new set of studies suggests that compassion—and intentionally cultivating it through training—may lead us to do more to help the wronged than to punish the wrongdoer. Researchers found compassion may also impact the extent to which people punish the transgressor.”

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  1. “Weng says she and her collaborators hope this work can be used to help develop compassion training for specific populations that care for those who are suffering, like health care professionals.”

    Definitely the psychiatrists need compassion training. They could also benefit from classes on how to actually listen to their patients. And, some English classes, especially ones that teach what the phrase, “Your drugs make me sick,” means; since none of the psychiatrists seem to comprehend what this phrase means. They seem to have “odd delusions” it means up the drugs, or add more drugs, rather than take the patient off a drug that makes them sick.

    As to compassion training, it does strike me that there are certain people on this planet to whom compassion comes naturally, and others to whom it does not. Perhaps, rather than trying to teach the medical community compassion, since this may or may not work. It should be required that every doctor employs people with compassion to actually spend some time with the patients, listening, and empathizing with them. Then these people can help with communication to the compassion disordered, and too busy to actually listen, doctors.

    Or, we could go back to the good old days, when doctors were compassionate and caring people who understood medicine is an art, not a science, who went into the field to actually help people, rather than just for trust and respect they do not deserve, and of course, $$$$$.

    Medicine for profit does not work, it only attracts greedy psychopaths into the industry.

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